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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. this site also has every Family Guy and American Dad episode here at 4spark.com also just a little suggestion, i think if theres enough room it would be cool to have the South Parks embedded and categorized by season in a link up top or somewhere on the site
  2. by them stolen *cough* thats what my brother did cause they were great condition but real cheap
  3. i whacked it 3 times to his voice, i think hes from UK
  4. where is the missile pod ?
  5. turrent is on other base (not the missle pod one) in about the same spot, just walk around holding RB it won't say to hold RB to pick up turrent but you will pick it up. i tried but i couldnt find sword or turrets ?
  6. i think 5v5 is a good idea but maybe wait until we have more active members we could have multiple tournaments with smaller teams though, which i think would be fun
  7. You should try and get all of these for us including snowy vallhalla and the one Woodley said
  8. truly
  9. He blocked me on MsN because I proved he was a liar. why did he say he can mod halo 3 then, we know hes a stupid little kid and only a few ppl can mod halo 3
  10. dont think anyone believed that
  11. I think there should be 1v1 or 2v2 tourneys because i don't think we have enough people for 5v5 or even 4v4 tourneys for 1v1 or 2v2 you dont even need that many ppl, there could be a medal or something for winning
  12. what happened to the new users section ?
  13. Great Post, thanks for putting all these together i only needed a few of them
  14. i dont think he is anymore
  15. hopefully its real it looks really good
  16. i really like the drop down arrow, ill use it a lot now
  17. Snowmon333♥

    GFX App

  18. i like sigs and medals, maybe make a max size for sigs and if there is a really good idea put something under the sigs so if there was a really good idea leave all the stuff on the right and just mkae it so the sig is required to be smaller than the stuff at the right so there is some room under the sig
  19. Thanks for posting all this Fattwam, i might actually learn some of it
  20. Snowmon333♥

    GFX App

    you can get that back i'm pretty sure, also do you have any older sigs ? cause i remember ppl by sigs sometimes
  21. 618 only peach can really know but i think its cause 777 has some significance to bungie, i remember july they were excited
  22. are you still making a montage ? update us let us see a trailer, also how are you doing in modding Halo 3
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