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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. yup idk whats going on but i'm mad
  2. did you use ae ? or vegas ?
  3. ya you should put his post count to 0, he was helpful but he left
  4. I agree it won't be as good because there will be too much close range due to AR being a lot better than SMG
  5. its like brigageneral
  6. maybe you could put some of those on your youtube account to get more views thanks for posting all these i haven't seem all Arby n' the Chief episodes yet
  7. Now Peach has a Brigadier grade 2
  8. or check the post with all the modded maps leaked so far
  9. what i like about 4spark.com is it has a description of the episode
  10. ok thanks Snail
  11. i think it might be what he uses for VIP, also on the old site there was that warning point system
  12. ya i just posted that a bit ago in media
  13. I think that the rank for the number of posts you have should go up easier, so like instead of going up by 100 at the first ones maybe 50, because there isn't much variety in the ranks ppl have
  14. ya something really good , not sloppy , has ibotmodz.net in it
  15. You should they're really good
  16. that sucks
  17. i was just kidding don't worry
  18. I kinda like this one better than the one you posted, the one you posted is good too though
  19. Are these all by you ? they are really good
  20. Might try it, probably not though
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