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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. Thats true he wouldn't want to lose active members
  2. i don't think he would say that to someone he has no respect for, idk though
  3. Sooo many fun games for N64 wish i still had one, i still have some games
  4. I'm pretty sure lots of ppl here respect you, and i garauntee peach has respect for you which is the most important I also got respect for you
  5. ya you have been saying that your close and stuff, and hinting that you know how to
  6. Just relax we all friends here. hahahaha not me and him, we go way back
  7. Well this one is different it is offline (i think) so none of that would come with modding I also want to know how plazma obtained this and who made it ? (the resigner)
  8. ya thats what he said when we watched it
  9. I think what peaches should do is if he can put it on fileshare do that, but if he can't, let everyone know that peach knows how to mod, and with better mods
  10. whats an NDTT card?
  11. we watched the video i don't think it worked, his gt is itz munchies i believe
  12. Also releasing it right away is not smart, then ppl will just steal it from our site and we mean nothing
  13. I can prove you wrong for 5 reasons 1. My f*cking age dont matter 2. i modded my xbox1 and xbox360 3. I've been working my ass of researching halo 3 securtiy RSA1, RSA256 RSA512 HASH!! you probley dont no what im talking about 4.ive been modding since i was freaking 7!!!! 5.shut up!! how long have you had that s*** in your sig ? why should we believe anything you say, 100% halo 3 modder my ass (used to say that and resigner) i hope you never get the resigner
  14. i personally don't like the dark themes at all, but the one in the link was ok
  15. ya that would be good, as long as no one took it and reposted other places
  16. how'd you get the stuff free in the first place?
  17. Just suggesting maybe if you click on HALO TOP200 like 10 times you can be VIP for a month, or click on it once and be able to visit one post in VIP ? if its possible to do i think it would get a lot more people to click it
  18. also i checked it out and what fattwam said would be good too
  19. my favorite is once they're dead he jabs them with his cock
  20. 760 i think keep going, it will some day reach
  21. how ?
  22. ya good idea, maybe just make it so they can see the forum but not the actual posts
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