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Everything posted by Snowmon333♥

  1. I think i might go with Eternity, the Vu has a great UI but for texting it's keyboard is a too small for me, Eternity SEEMS to have a bigger one. Incite I would maybe get if it were 50-100 dollars cheaper, and I heard the Quickfire has a slow laggy touchscreen for some people, and others love it. The Tilt i kind of like but the screen seems small and kind of hard to navigate, I don't really like its ui but it seems to have some cool customizations
  2. pics are up
  3. Which one of those and why ? Also do you think the incite is better than all of those ? If so I might get that. incite is 200 dollars and i don't want to spend that much lg vu samsung eternity att tilit lg incite quickfire Quickfire seems really nice but i heard the touchscreen is laggy and unresponsive
  4. same, it's actually fun for a little bit
  5. I have better things to do on Friday nights
  6. why do people make machinima's like this ? there are so many crap machinima's posted here. Stop trying to make your own and leave it to people who actually know what they are doing
  7. what happened to him ? he was moving up the ranks and then just left
  8. what if i say i have RRoD and don't ? what do they do, my wired 360 mic also broke, and my halo 2 mic, and my original xbox mic
  9. how did you get the controller and mic ?
  10. I'll call and if they don't help me i'll try to get red ring
  11. will they fix it for RRoD if they already have ? won't it be fishy ?
  12. and it can play DVDs not 360 games though
  13. also sprayed inside with a can of air and it still doesn't work, i tried some movies but those work, but none of my games work
  14. did what peach said but still doesn't work
  15. you don't need a warranty for RROD
  16. also once i get it working it works until i turn it off, then it takes like 10-30 minutes to read the discs again. But once it reads one it will usually read the others (until i turn it off) but i still can't play cod 4 and i plan on buying a can of air
  17. way too flashy editing, I pretty much agree with decatur and anarchy, bad quality
  18. when i put a game in my 360 it will just read a bit then say open tray, after a while of opening and closing it might start to read, but still can't play any cod 4 multiplayer maps, it takes like 30 minutes to get to read, any help ?
  19. I think Palin might just be more qualified than Obama
  20. what happened to all the pictures ?
  21. good luck mythic isn't out for about a year I need fable 2
  22. I'm pretty sure Palin isn't as stupid as the media makes her look like
  23. Some people should not be global mods, some people should be, the thing that I put down was a joke, I would vote on Decatur leave H3 alone but shorten up H2 and add H1 need more content, I can try some weekend also not that I don't like the other globals it's just smokie loves the site and he will help a lot so my vote is him for sub admin
  24. thats profanity at it's finest, the coke one was in theaters a lot
  25. videos gone
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