hey im spartan0m3ga i love doing gfx im not too good but im learning if you need 360 modding help im there for you im still in school and i hate the smiley that looks like this =$
ok so we went on vacation and every vacation needs a picture sadly my dad had to be the one to take it which took him out of the picture so i tried to photoshop an image to include him it was really bad but i wanted to see if anyone would like to help me http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1266-43.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/1266-44.jpg i told him i could probably get something to work so plz plz plz help and do your best put him behind me (on the far right)
first of all its only $35 i know because i have it b.c i only mod 360 and its probably better to do this than screw up you 360 by acutally opening your hd by hand xplorer 360 is really easy to use once you remember the folders and whats in them
so yea i made this in about 30 minutes because i really wanted to see what i could make out of the desktop laxmonster made plz rate but dont be too harsh 5th use of photoshop
ok as u may know i had been using photoshop elements and what i made was nothing really so i give you my 1st work w/ cs3 sadly im running on the trial version b/c what i was given needed a serial number and i do not know how to get the realy product w/o buying it