dont download, until there is a scan up. i just downloaded and got a PSW Trojan. my anti-virus caught it though. dunno if there more or what. virus total would help.
as far as i know you can hack all versions of the psp. i would go for the slim but aslong as it isnt the 3000 as i said before. well i guess its up to you.
i very strongly recomend to not get the psp 3000. they have scan lines on the screen, and it just looks horrible. look into the scan lines on the screen, just google it.
sounds like a rpg gamer. aside form the final fantasy games only released for the ps1. try the re-releases of the old one. also try the re-release of crono trigger and the game crono cross.
ok, i read fatal's tut on how to hack a psp, and it got me thinking that maybe they found a way to hack the updated psp's. ive looked around and it seams possible but is difficult to find soild and consitant information, it all just a bit different. okaa, what im getting at is that, can i hack my psp with a 4.05 update, using the pantoras battery and the magic memory card. like in fatal errors tut? and if not what can i do to hack it? all im realling looking to do is download retail games, dl them to the psp, and play them. and homebrew (if that makes sense, idk if there is a difference). all the info i can get would be great, i want to be pretty sure before i drop money to blow up my psp. kk thx all.
so gfx get cut? just like that? no descusion? nothing? dont say its cuz its not active because you admins dont let it happen, how long has buddah been waiting to be gfx? i cant wait till you get a new skin or want a new banner, then you cant just go "hey all you gfx dudes, make me a banner" cuz the nyoull realize that for no reason whatsoever that they where all cut. its not like it take space, its not hurting anything. like seriously you guys purposely ignore it then say its a waste of time. **** ive had just about enough of this dunmbass logic around here.
Joined: december, 2007 Other Aliases: SwiftMess55, funkey_monkey, Cody, Posts: 474 (i dont like to post what everyone else has said or spam, that's why its so low) Were you on OLD IBM (The blue skin former one?): no, just missed it Do you want VIP for the content, or to contribute to a smaller private area?: content Knowing that there is leaked content in there, do you support leaked content or frown upon it?: i support it
How long you have been doing GFX: more then 1 1/2 years, less then 2 i think Program:photoshop 7, cs2, cs3, cs4, coreldraw X3, corelphoto paint X3, paint (lol) 7 sigs posted: Any large pieces (optional): p.s. i love if there was some way to re-ignite my interest in gfx again
i still don't understand this whole pikmin fetish. it drags this site down so much, so so so much. if you want perfessional, then stealing a video game character that has nothing to do with the site is not helping. i can do so much more i just wanted people to consider maybe, just maybe not having a pikmin.
is the gama that your trying to play have a purple back/bottem/ whatever the shiny side is? them ol ps2 had problems reading discs, especially them purple ones. stand your ps2 up when you play it. ya know like:" I " not like:" _ "
what kind o game? maybe fallout 3 or fable 2 or or or cd4 or cd5 or find a bunch of older cheap games that are still great, 0r save ur moneyz or someth1ng sweet, le1k buy a car or a min1 v@n @nd g0 dr1f71ng!? lawlz