i got a positive rep of 32, and a negative rep of -9, (negatives have no reason) and that brings it down to 23. stll man it shows more ppl like you then hate you. its more then i have. there is allways going to be that a$$hole who just does the stupidest thing available it doesnt mean anything
yeah they were palnning on making a movie there for awhile but i alomost positive that they stopped, but idk that does look pretty convincing, and it seams to be halo 3 stuff so idk anythings possible.
pertty decnet man, i would have a hard time getting that together, with all of the acting, the different scenes, and puting it all together. good job, like to see more.
i like it, simple and strait to the point. thats how i like my GFX just nobody else does. its always fancy stuff whoring. good job i think i might make a cool avi, but then again my tails pic is teh smex
thanks man, i was pretty close. i did do it a bit diff tho. nice tut, looks really top notch. EDIT: here are my results: this one is the one i made before i saw the tut, when lax showed me just the pic. so i just guessed. it looked close but i did it differently http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25999-102.jpg this is what i got when i followed the tut http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25999-103.jpg and this is waht i did to it after, and in my opinion improved it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25999-104.jpg
i never knew there was a collection of all of that. how wouldi get this Master collection? i plan on getting all of those or at least most but if there is a already mad pack ill take that. lol
interesting tut, kinda random but thats ok! when i brush i can get to all of the options, some are greyed out do i need to be using only a certen brush for this or what?
ok i have to thank d1ce, he gave me one of his .psd's to study. and i made this with what i learned. the problem is that idk if i like this one. this is my first pic like this that is anywhere close to post worthy. i screwed up on somethings early in the making and the mistakes became more and more noticable as i continued, and like many times before, i never saved partway though i just kept going so i had nothing to go back to. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25860-110.jpg
where did you get these? im assuming you have permission to distribute them? if so then they are pretty decent. i remember seeing that "cant finish the fight" one back when people first started having problems. laughed so hard.
i played that game, just for the 360. it had some problems and i was a bit disapointed in it. i was looking forword to it for awhile. good post though, nice pictures, did you take them?
that would be sweet, as long as you dont give me a virus lol, acctually i wouldnt care id just reformat. i have no virus protection anyway so fire away! it might be better to pm it, someone might try to take it or something.
i could try to make a tut out of this sig, but i don't know how that would turn out lol. i could upload the .psd tho. and why would melo sh*t himself? lmao if he came back and i could make something like that. he would have to let me join. he rejected me, i told him its just a matter of time, which i belive.
ok i just made another sig, or banner. with the help of lax i have created something quite nice. i hope you like it too. rip it appart tell me everything. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25616-115.jpg EDIT:here is V2 lax gave me the idea http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25616-116.jpg EDIT: again lax gave me advice so i followed it http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25616-117.jpg thanks lax
ok i fixed my latest anime sig, ya know the one with the awkward gem or whatever by her head and the not so great smudging. yeah that one. its a good amout better, its all i could really do without restarting, but im happy with it. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25571-124.jpg
oh yeah? hmmm you dont live in alberta canada do ya? cuz there is ap and pure and stuff like that there but not in saskatchewan where i currently live an i dont know if anywhere else is like alberta
hahahaha you think i post all of my stuff? nowhere close bro. i just wanted to see what ya guys thought about it its a learning experience. it doesnt hurt and id like to know all that i can im sorry if thats a crime.
haha i love that game, TD games ftw. after i beat the high score and it didnt save i gave up with trying again cuz it took forever, but it is sweet. edit: no idea why id duoble posted but, id dont matter it off topic