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Everything posted by subs_55

  1. i got a positive rep of 32, and a negative rep of -9, (negatives have no reason) and that brings it down to 23. stll man it shows more ppl like you then hate you. its more then i have. there is allways going to be that a$$hole who just does the stupidest thing available it doesnt mean anything
  2. yeah they were palnning on making a movie there for awhile but i alomost positive that they stopped, but idk that does look pretty convincing, and it seams to be halo 3 stuff so idk anythings possible.
  3. pertty decnet man, i would have a hard time getting that together, with all of the acting, the different scenes, and puting it all together. good job, like to see more.
  4. um hey dark, i just thought id point out that you have +23 rep not -9. so that must means quite afew ppl like you.
  5. i like it, simple and strait to the point. thats how i like my GFX just nobody else does. its always fancy stuff whoring. good job i think i might make a cool avi, but then again my tails pic is teh smex
  6. thanks man, i was pretty close. i did do it a bit diff tho. nice tut, looks really top notch. EDIT: here are my results: this one is the one i made before i saw the tut, when lax showed me just the pic. so i just guessed. it looked close but i did it differently http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25999-102.jpg this is what i got when i followed the tut http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25999-103.jpg and this is waht i did to it after, and in my opinion improved it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25999-104.jpg
  7. i never knew there was a collection of all of that. how wouldi get this Master collection? i plan on getting all of those or at least most but if there is a already mad pack ill take that. lol
  8. interesting tut, kinda random but thats ok! when i brush i can get to all of the options, some are greyed out do i need to be using only a certen brush for this or what?
  9. subs_55

    my newest LP

    can you give me some details on what needs fixing and how to do it? im not learning when im told it needs work, i obviously missed what it needs.
  10. subs_55

    my newest LP

    ok i have to thank d1ce, he gave me one of his .psd's to study. and i made this with what i learned. the problem is that idk if i like this one. this is my first pic like this that is anywhere close to post worthy. i screwed up on somethings early in the making and the mistakes became more and more noticable as i continued, and like many times before, i never saved partway though i just kept going so i had nothing to go back to. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25860-110.jpg
  11. where did you get these? im assuming you have permission to distribute them? if so then they are pretty decent. i remember seeing that "cant finish the fight" one back when people first started having problems. laughed so hard.
  12. i played that game, just for the 360. it had some problems and i was a bit disapointed in it. i was looking forword to it for awhile. good post though, nice pictures, did you take them?
  13. that would be sweet, as long as you dont give me a virus lol, acctually i wouldnt care id just reformat. i have no virus protection anyway so fire away! it might be better to pm it, someone might try to take it or something.
  14. i could try to make a tut out of this sig, but i don't know how that would turn out lol. i could upload the .psd tho. and why would melo sh*t himself? lmao if he came back and i could make something like that. he would have to let me join. he rejected me, i told him its just a matter of time, which i belive.
  15. i soft erased this arm its barely noticeable, not the one down low the higher one, it looks smaller and stands out less
  16. wow man, you got to teach me some of those mad skills, it would make melo sh*t himself.
  17. did you see v2? i got rid of the lines
  18. i know what you mean about the lines, for this sig i kind of mentaly pictured him in a sand storm. idk just kinda went with it.
  19. ok i just made another sig, or banner. with the help of lax i have created something quite nice. i hope you like it too. rip it appart tell me everything. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25616-115.jpg EDIT:here is V2 lax gave me the idea http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25616-116.jpg EDIT: again lax gave me advice so i followed it http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25616-117.jpg thanks lax
  20. orry man no tut, just one that told me some decent settings for the smudge tool but nothing else.
  21. this is like the first sig ive done in awhile that has text. and thanks, i try. lmao
  22. ok i fixed my latest anime sig, ya know the one with the awkward gem or whatever by her head and the not so great smudging. yeah that one. its a good amout better, its all i could really do without restarting, but im happy with it. C&C http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/25571-124.jpg
  23. oh yeah? hmmm you dont live in alberta canada do ya? cuz there is ap and pure and stuff like that there but not in saskatchewan where i currently live an i dont know if anywhere else is like alberta
  24. subs_55

    samus sig

    hahahaha you think i post all of my stuff? nowhere close bro. i just wanted to see what ya guys thought about it its a learning experience. it doesnt hurt and id like to know all that i can im sorry if thats a crime.
  25. haha i love that game, TD games ftw. after i beat the high score and it didnt save i gave up with trying again cuz it took forever, but it is sweet. edit: no idea why id duoble posted but, id dont matter it off topic
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