if your meaning the updflash method: instead of doing the updslot stuff, place updflash.bin(a nand image) in the same folder as flash360 and follow the on-screen instructions to flash it
An xex nand flasher by Redline99 I sugest you use the updflash.bin flash method and not the updslot method get on xbins/360/dashboards/flash360 (i think)
all that i will say is that i will ride this to the end, and what then? I dunno, maybe ill get a ps3 I will help people with jtags, and hope that there will be enough jtags to keep that going for awhile Whats after that for the 360? I dont know. I have a feeling that a lot of effort will go to the homebrew, but in a few years the jtags will all be rrod and things will die off... Maybee another Console would help smaller sites?
unfortunately a new era out of control and game-tits and 7en rule all, and there, all is hell, there is no controll time to go underground, but wait, i dont think there's enough real modders left to do that who knows who knows
its unfortunate how things are dying every good site is almost dead, where as sites like se7 with terrible management and admins are snowballing out of controll its a sad cycle, who knows how far it will go
but more expensive so in short it can do: things already open sourced things done with common sense things that can be done with 5 min of research and a hex editor things only shortcuted by lazy people basically the same things that horizon does
no shit it doesent require skill, the only reason id use it is because it already exists, before it was released i was working on my own code, but now theres no point anyway i have my own fatx libarary id probably use, and loads of other stuff ive written and horizon is crap, it has virtually no new feutures, and all it was created for is to make money off lazy 5 year olds(with their parents paypal)
always good to see competition to crap like horizon i was thinking of making one of these using the x360 dll and making it completely free but i havent got the time yet