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Everything posted by slasherking823

  1. smokety smokety smokety smoke
  2. smokety smokety smokety smoke
  3. smokety smokety smokety smoke
  4. smokety smokety smokety smoke
  5. smokety smokety smokety smoke
  6. that was an epic bump and thats a pretty trippy skin
  7. http://www.vce.com/pyroproweb/rollingfire.jpg
  8. unfortunately, everybody is off at se7 and se7 isnt what i'd call a "community" more like a ghetto
  9. I wont sink, but some may I wonder what things will be like in a year
  10. funny ass shit
  11. probably safe, bungie and m$ are focusing on other things right now m$ is focusing on jtags and flashed 360s as for con mods bungie hasn't cared for a long time
  12. a jtag can ftp, but is probably not a good idea if all your going to do is con mod
  13. biggest bump ever if you play any games excessively you have no life
  14. agreed I just love it who people like unknown do things, and jester, the game tuts kiddie takes credit and shows off EDIT: and I can think of things to save this issue, but alot involve being a total dick, which doesn't solve the problem(things like some ddos wars, or withholding information when the next great modifiable game comes out)
  15. I do not mean ask questions that have no research behind them that cause flame I mean ask questions, even if assholes who think they are better than you because they know everything, will flame you for no reason at all And about the "is this a goodbye" My theory is that we should all ride this to the end, as far as that goes, if we all gave up, the end would come faster And why people dont just release things: 1. Pride(this is the factor with many things held private that shouldn't be) 2. Some things shouldn't be released (jesters live safe kernel patches anyone?)
  16. First Stage: I first joined modding sites a long time ago I started out just leaching off communities such as afterdawn, as I got ahold of an OG xbox and started modding it I had little knowledge, but i could see that these communities worked together, and people were helpful to one another Second Stage: I was a noob I had little knowlage, and I just made stupid replies and waited for things to happen this is the stage that in the end doomed the modding communities not that I have anything against noobs, its just that the ones who dont seek knowledge get hard to handle Third Stage: I began to gain knowlage I learned how to program, I made a really stupid program At this point I think everything is still going steady Fourth Stage: I suddenly realize that a lot of crap has been happening while I have been absorbing knowlage I tried to speak out, and got banned, from what I then realized, was the gayest site ever(se7engays) I realize what site management is, and how it needs to be done I come back here, to notice that things are more or less dead Now I sit and ofter help to those who need it What could have changed during this time? What could have saved the things that happened? The reason I post my history is because new members of the communities need to try to get past some obstacles: 1st: Read 2nd: Pay atention to what is happening, after getting a feel for basic modding 3rd: Be helpful, this is what ruins most 4th: Dont be afraid to say things, maybe you will get flamed, but in the end, you will know more 5th: watch out for site cancer: if all a site has is 5year olds that dont contribute (mw2 stuff anyone), get out I have more I could say, but I dont know if I have the time, or will And as an addition: Does anyone have any ideas on how things could ever go back? EDIT: and what about issues like rework3d, an effort to save a dying(now dead) site nothing is left but thousands of pages of memories of a site that was once the greatest modding site of all time
  17. yea, i am already regretting my attitude i was in at that time and what special privileges was I suggesting? Actually, ill just stop saying anything, better that we all forget what I did and I will try again with a better approach later...
  18. that looks like distorted already-existing models actually
  19. EDIT: and Im already suspended from blueshadowz great, and all I did was post a bit EDIT2: I better lay of the mj
  20. how ghetto of a town do you live in lol? yea, that really sux, i feel sorry for you i live in Alaska, so i wont probably ever get robbed
  21. if i wanted them, id just use the alteration source model extractor however, im terrible with modeling, so i wouldn't be able to do much with them anyways
  22. its not finding menu.lst, if i can see that terrible image correctly it drops to grub command line
  23. lol, for $15 i got a card with sata,esata,ata, and usb2
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