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Everything posted by Laxmonster54♥

  1. I added version with the nav bar
  2. New template. it will be coded and for sale soon. http://img18.imageshack.us/img18/8711/previewzo4.png http://img7.imageshack.us/img7/9539/previewtg1.png
  3. Holy Scuba I love it. Ill put in my sig righ away!
  4. its all tablet work. and thanks for the kind comments
  5. Here you go, good luck with the baby http://img408.imageshack.us/img408/1126/grungysigcopypt5.jpg
  6. O_O Ill think about it Photoshop you Silly
  7. Yeah I used my new tablet
  8. First digi paint. CnC Please http://img16.imageshack.us/img16/6996/watercolorjj4.jpg
  9. Very nice. it gets the job done and its not distracting. good job. you should start making things again.
  10. Peaches remember that topic I posted awhile ago with the bars I made for IPB 3.0? I made them a while ago and they arnt the ones we are using now
  11. Ill make it when I get home from school. I made the old ones
  12. HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHA Mizzou won you fail ahahhaa
  13. thats one of the nicest things anyone has said to me thanks <3 <3 <3
  14. MU
  15. hahaha we will see what happens at 8 tonight lol
  16. Im getting really tired of the whole internet forum thing. I am a 18 year old senior in high school and I have just been so busy with college apps and other school stuff. IM NOT LEAVING I just dont think its fair to you guys for me to have a moderator spot and not be that active. I will still be helping. If anyone wants to buy Leafthree from me pm me or contact me on MSN at InvisionGFX@hotmail.com Lots of payed for upgrades included.
  17. O hail the mighty H_B lol who would think someone this good at GFX started here at IBM lol
  18. Im sorry I had no idea anyone was posting or spamming leafthree stuff here. I dont want to take members from here.
  19. Sorry melo for accusing you of hacking my site. The IP we found was foreign. So form me and all of the leafthree staff..... we apologize. <3
  20. Itho8shews18 (I thought she was 18)
  21. http://www.wondercomments.com/funny_birthday/funny_birthday_comment_05.gif
  22. is the music by mc chris?
  23. HOORAH
  24. here you go bud http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/9274/melonx9.jpg http://img132.imageshack.us/img132/9274/melonx9.jpg
  25. The fag was me for losing the psd three times...
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