O hai guys! Been here since the former days. lol Ive always kinda checked in. People move on to bigger and better things. Yes peaches, I live semi close. Probably about an hour away or so. I Had a blast on this site when I was younger. Kinda sad to see it slow down like this. Ibotmodz was the first form I ever came across. I learned so much from here. XxAnarachyxX was the first person I came into contact with here. I learned everything I could about graphic design from him. I now do it for a living. So I guess I could say, because of this site I have a career and am making a great living. I made a lot of friends on this site. Shout out to Melo, Happy Buddah Peaches, Blacklabelfosho, Fattwam, Themastersnail, Big4wheeler and any other I may have forgot to mention. I spent years and countless hours on this site. Looking back I wish I could have done more. Like I said its been a great run, but everyone has to move on at some point. Love ya guys. Peace -Laxmonster54 <3
lol She looks alot like her brother. Hes also in the picture. can you guess witch one? hahah also this is what she looks like in real life: http://sphotos.ak.fbcdn.net/hphotos-ak-snc3/hs521.snc3/29642_456367684255_672564255_6084977_6349257_n.jpg Also lol at this : http://img266.imageshack.us/img266/1415/laxnewfanmr0.png
Here is the cover i made for my roommates band. This is there second album. you can listen to there music at www.myspace.com/thelastkingscomo This piece took me over twenty hours. I started by taking pictures of each band members then individually drew each one with pen and ink. After i completed my outlines and found a compo that I liked I then water colored it and then finished up by editing in photoshop. Enjoy and tell me what you think http://img37.imageshack.us/img37/8789/thelastkingsalbumcover.jpg
too dark, text needs work and ive seen a million sigs like this. Change it up. dont follow tutorials (not that you did). The biggest thing is you need to find your own style. 4/10 keep working though