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Everything posted by lostmodz26

  1. So, so sexy. A little pixeleted. 7/10.
  2. Old Username: lostmodz Month/Year of Join: 2005/2006 (if I'm correct) What I remember: I remember my tutorials I used to make when I knew how to spell, the excitment of the old forum. I was member #175. The good old days. I was the author of many H2 mods and I was the one who wrote the 70 modding tutorials. Those were the days. I love you ibotmodz (no gay).
  3. lostmodz26


    Maybe, I'll think about it.
  4. Alright, Im working on it right now.
  5. Alright, sorry for the double post, but here's an animated GIF of what I made. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2473/evolostmodz.gif I'm going to render out a good frame of that as the logo.
  6. I'll try to make something in after effects, how big do you want it?
  7. Wow...No Comment.
  8. lostmodz26

    YT Slow!

    Its happening to everyone, its probrably just their server.
  9. Oooooh! That sucks. This chick named Megan actually liked me and then she moved. I was really pissed. But that was a while back.
  10. Wow, I misread it at first and I thought the topic title was "JUICEY NUTS!". Thank god I was wrong..Phew! Anyways, I suck at GFX, this'll help me out.
  11. It has, hasn't it? Well, while you guys flame until you fart, I'll go talk to my gf, cya.
  12. Great, Hope your friend can teach you how to spell "friend".
  13. lostmodz26 whoppered all of your teenie weenies!
  14. I can record this for you if you would like.
  15. Alright, im working on a program callled RAMFresh. It cleans out your RAM using the notepad trick. I'm almost done with the beta, I'll release it then.
  16. Take a video and we'll belive it.
  17. Yes, woooow!!! Thats some hot stuff there.
  18. Nice 10/10!
  19. Wow, I didn't know you could mod WaW. Nice tut, to bad i don't have CoD: WaW.
  20. We'll give you sugar cookies if you stay!
  21. Wait a second, you said that there is no such thing as a .MAP resigner? Wasn't there one at seven sins or was that just a rumor?
  22. I honestly don't know what you want, but since you said that you are a newbie at programming, how about you go here and look at Visual Basic section and try to learn about it from there. I really don't understand your question.
  23. Yeah, GFX shouldn't be touched but I honestly think that there are more coders then GFX people. Honestly Peaches, when IPB 3 comes out we need a Programming section and maybe a programming team.
  24. lostmodz26

    3D text Sig

    Hope you didn't rip this one, lol, jk. Looks nice, 8.5/10
  25. I want one really badly.
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