Old Username: lostmodz Month/Year of Join: 2005/2006 (if I'm correct) What I remember: I remember my tutorials I used to make when I knew how to spell, the excitment of the old forum. I was member #175. The good old days. I was the author of many H2 mods and I was the one who wrote the 70 modding tutorials. Those were the days. I love you ibotmodz (no gay).
Alright, sorry for the double post, but here's an animated GIF of what I made. http://img21.imageshack.us/img21/2473/evolostmodz.gif I'm going to render out a good frame of that as the logo.
Alright, im working on a program callled RAMFresh. It cleans out your RAM using the notepad trick. I'm almost done with the beta, I'll release it then.
I honestly don't know what you want, but since you said that you are a newbie at programming, how about you go here and look at Visual Basic section and try to learn about it from there. I really don't understand your question.
Yeah, GFX shouldn't be touched but I honestly think that there are more coders then GFX people. Honestly Peaches, when IPB 3 comes out we need a Programming section and maybe a programming team.