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Everything posted by sparta

  1. i hope you can fly it i really doubt it and there wouldn't be enough room but i can still hope
  2. With Weapons!!! well can't think of anything to say so see you in 2-3 days
  3. maybe an awesome mod medal or you made a cool program for modding or something like that
  4. sparta

    Serria 117

    maybe they got out of the map somewhere and skipped the checkpoints?
  5. lol or you could just blow up your hornet without you inside
  6. what highscore?
  7. yea what legacy said also it seem you have time to remember ppls b-days but not a dance battle?
  8. sparta


    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/9387-469.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/9387-470.jpg WOOT happy b day
  9. wish i could help you but i haven't played that game in so long i had completely forgotten about it
  10. wow lol that is awesome yea it would have been cool if he landed on the destination area
  11. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/9265-488.jpg
  12. wow that's cool god kinda hate these mods they just make me wish i could mod more
  13. yea i think the venom like melt your skin or something i remember see something about these on discovery channel
  14. lol nice to see your back now maybe u could finish OUR DANCE BATTLE!!!
  15. looks pretty cool but i dunno if I'll get it
  16. i don't care if we do or don't but having it can't hurt also did that one guy post just to play the arcade?
  17. i have it for the 360 but i never play it don't really like it to much
  18. not to be mean but im guessing most of those are from grifball so it not that great and you may have spawn killed the other team to get them
  19. yea same here http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8756-573.gif
  20. wow awesome intensifying window watching action!!!! lol but for some reason looking out that window creeps me out
  21. sparta

    About mem.

    i dunno about the folder but the .map i believe are cache as in you can delete them but they will come back when your play what ever game there for
  22. sparta

    Coke Or Pepsi

    http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8644-574.jpg lol that sound very good for your heart
  23. [marquee:1lw8qu0g]406[/marquee:1lw8qu0g]
  24. lol i haven't seen that show in forever would that guy be like 35 by now?http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8614-577.gif
  25. it a pc game i believe it came with half life 2 because there was no multiplayer but then they made Half life 2:deathmatch(not going into that) but anyway it an fps more realistic than halo actually allot more and it terrorists vs counter terrorists, it very popular ( i love GMod ) and i could go into every little detail but im to lazy and i think you get the point and to tell you the truth I've only played it maybe twice but i still know alot about it
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