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Everything posted by sparta

  1. it to bad we don't need this topic anymore since there is one with all the mods in the H3 modding section
  2. then here is a vid for you! [youtube:23ut1qhj]lJV202TpGrY[/youtube:23ut1qhj]
  3. and knowing is half the battle GI joooooooeeee!!! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12389-184.jpg lol couldn't resist
  4. you know how awesome it be to figure out how to do this? i would have alot of fun just running around shooting at people and scaring them
  5. well that good enough reason for me
  6. oh yea that reminds me about something i was going to ask when i was on the old site what with ibotmodz and pikmin im not saying i hate them i actually like them but y pikmin?
  7. if you do succeed maybe us should but a giant sign made of something saying ibotmodz so people don't try to steal it
  8. that or he downloaded a virus and it screwing with his computer you never know
  9. sparta

    snowbound mod

    we already have it but thanks for trying to help and welcome to ibotmodz THE BEST MODDING SITE EVAAAAAAA!!!
  10. yea or maybe give him a helpful poster medal(OMGZZZZ!!!! MEDALLLSSSSSS!!!) and the snowbound V1.1 is just when you try to save the modded one during the game so maybe you should remove so you have room for others
  11. yea they just sit there even if you go out the map and is anyone else snowbound mod have that sniper tower falling over?
  12. i doubt it a ghost probably just a glitch just how you can throw a grenade or equipment then change into forge change back it it flys out of you
  13. no shot tryed to steal the map and say he made it it not a V2
  14. lol wtf i knew something like that was going to happen
  15. well the game play will probably change due to the new weapons such as the assault rifle
  16. god the credits are 3 times as long as the animation
  17. i don't have on but it sounds like a good time waste when your waiting for stuff and call of duty 4 on the DS !?!?
  18. sparta

    Snapple Facts

    k i will when i drink one (which i probably never will)(haven't in 5 years or so)
  19. i love it so much and there is a way to make firefox run faster it is in the VIP section like the 20th topic from the top
  20. i found this http://www.ps3forums.com/showthread.php?t=48652 not sure if you can do this but it is a softmod
  21. it was a little long but i like movies like this there not all super serious (not saying i don't like those but these are my favorite type)
  22. omg lol freaking awesome
  23. yea like they get a little tid bit of the forum
  24. i doubt we will since it is the most viewed one on youtube
  25. sparta

    Snapple Facts

    umm snapple is made from urine? lol jk i remember see so many commercials about it what happened?
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