well from looking at the spec the XXX one likes to be fast but with less memory here the spec XFX GeForce 8600 GT Fill Rate per Second: 8.64 Billion pixels Video Memory: 512MB Core Clock: 540 MHz Memory Clock: 800 MHz Shader Clock: 1180 MHz XFX GeForce 8600 GT XXX Fill Rate per Second: 8.64 Billion pixels Video Memory: 256MB Core Clock: 620 MHz Memory Clock: 1600 MHz Shader Clock: 1355 MHz
ok srry but from what i can see just looking at them the XXX one looks to be the new version as it uses DDR3 not DDR2 and from review it looks like the XXX is better but i don't really trust reviews that much they say everything is good
yep it probably will here one i just found it has to be the stupidest thing i have seen lol! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28000-188.gif
ok so my new computer is coming in about a week and right now the current computer i am using uses Norton Internet security and i am wondering if you guys know of any programs as such i have heard of Kaspersky but i have never used it so if you guys know of any please let me know p.s. i might just start a thread in another section but i am also looking to overclock my cpu which is going to be a AMD Phenom X4 9850 Black Edition so if u can help me there it be greatly appreciated
ok he is my answer 1)it at the bottom and i never scroll down that far 2)i dunno what gfx is really i think it were you make sigs and stuff 3)like 1 i never go down that far so i never even look at them so maybe i will from now on
someone need to lock this and take the link off i don't even need to download this to know it is fake and even if it was real i probably still wouldn't want it because who care it just some stupid armor in a video game so i don't see y people fight over it so much