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Everything posted by sparta

  1. wish I could go to Canada but i live in Texas so driving all the way up there is a no go especially how gas prices are right now
  2. thxs i really appreciate it
  3. but i wanna be the guy (i wonder if anyone will get this reference)
  4. i like how my cake is pink lol
  5. ok i need a program that can get movie off there dvd and save them on the computer. i know this is probably illegal but my dad is going to Iraq ,and he wants some movies to watch but we have so many and he might lose them so im wonder if there a program that does this so i can save them to a 1 terabyte portable hardrive and give him the harddrive.
  6. xplorer 360 should have come in a little cd with your xsata i know mine did
  7. lol i didn't even see this haven't been on in a while alot of stuff been going on like test and etc thxs guys
  8. mines is a day sometime this year
  9. wish my desktop was sexy but it's old and full of crap
  10. which is better intel or amd?
  11. lol actually that hate mail shows how popular we must be getting
  12. it's not a must get for me but ill get it when i get it
  13. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13618-119.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/13618-120.gif
  14. crap i knew i should have bought that mag that one time renting movies
  15. that's good I've never liked MM
  16. I've saved up about 1600 so im hoping to getting a really good one but wow 14000 wish i could get that much also i was wonder if anyone could recommend any anti-virus,anti-spyware, you know things like that i am probably going to use Norton Internet security 2008 but if you guys know a better one please say so
  17. O.o your back WOOT!
  18. ok so I've decided to buy a new computer but there one thing i can't decided on and that is if i should get xp or vista see im mostly going to use this computer for playing steam games such as half-life and garry's mod and i know there are some compatibility issue with vista but I'm also going to do a little school work on it too so i need you guys help on this most likely im getting a desktop and i have the spec mostly planed out but if you guys can recommend anything it would be greatly appreciated also the website I'm using is http://www.cyberpowerpc.com but if you think there is a better website please say so
  19. not sure what you mean if you mean matchmaking modding then no freaking way but could you plz explain
  20. to bad mine blocked it from even saving anything on desktop or saving Txt or Bat documents
  21. ,maybe a machinima or he just wants to
  22. i prefer halo 3 to gears and i have Call of duty but I've never played it online and i don't like to say one game is better than another if i haven't played it
  23. hummm i don't think I'm going to try this
  24. i know maybe it one of those once in a life time things and yes you can flip it
  25. i guess I'll join got nothing better to do on halo +P
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