no he did lose but if you play a game to long it say something about the webpage need to be refreshed or you used the back button i don't remember but all i know is that i doesn't count the points
that is actually a good idea i don't like all these spammers recently getting vip even if i lose it i don't care because it's for the good the the website
that usually happen when the admin denies access to certain thing and since it your computer that means the setting probably changed so try logging in as admin see if you can change it from there unless it was a virus/million of of there things that screw with your computer then it might have also change the pass to the admin account
yea but didnt M$ have a new check for "fake" gamesaves and on another note y do you need it? i mean it just useless point not like you can do anything with them
OMGZZZZ!!! AHHH THE GRAPHICS THERE SOOOOO GOOOOODDD!!!^!@^#*AGDFWE**WR@$! lol jk but can you go all insane and start running over old people and kittens?
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