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Everything posted by sparta

  1. i won't mind halo 1 modding section and it seem like quite a few people want it
  2. sparta

    Halo DS

    i wonder how hard it be to drive a vehicle in that game
  3. i would be to afraid that i would screw up and break my 360 somehow but great tut
  4. lol nice spam anyway yea what does the wii have to do with this but the first one is funnier
  5. yea i actually know like one or two little kids that aren't immature in the least and i don't mind playing with them
  6. sparta

    Byte Adder

    could you give a description or screenshot or something to tell us what this is
  7. omg wow that is awesome and i love the description of it i might actually mod halo 2 again just to use this
  8. probably be better if you embedded it [youtube:1ano43p2]GlW7vVCAuC4[/youtube:1ano43p2] that's cool i never knew about the grenade trick
  9. yea that look cool but i doubt i use it but it makes me want to try thing like that more often though
  10. oh yea i think i saw that before but decide not to download because im getting a new comp in a couple of day
  11. this probably belongs in the media section lol people are going to start fight over which band is better
  12. wow everyone is leaving and i hope you have a good time in Illinois
  13. wow everyone turned into giant meat chucks lol that must be a very useful glitch
  14. sparta

    Halo DS

    wow i can't image halo on the ds just seems weird but i would love to try it out
  15. i remember this map i played it months ago it was ok i love how there are explosives inside of it
  16. i would love to do this but i don't have halo pc wish i did though
  17. sparta

    Who respects me

    lol and to be truthful i have no idea who you are http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/24666-165.gif
  18. im getting a new computer in like a week so i will post a pic then
  19. lol awesome i should have looked at the url before clicking it
  20. wow lol how did i know that was going to happen from the start
  21. wow that exactly how much i have lol also i wouldn't get watercooling I'd be to afraid of it leaking and frying my system
  22. god i miss modding halo 2 and this vid is awesome to bad it just make me miss halo 2
  23. lol only 10 for hacking one legacy's is awesome
  24. so you have to be stand on a weapon then switch it with your pistol at the last second that nice but the chance of you actually doing that in a match are very slim
  25. maybe your computer is crappy or you have too many apps open there can be many reasons for your comp being slow
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