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michael iz pro

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Everything posted by michael iz pro

  1. nothing really could you do it doe
  2. Could Some 1 Download This Film Halo 3 Film File Then If you Have got a Spare Silver Account upload it to the fileshare if you dont use this account Gamertag:Kidhitman2 Email: Kid-hitman@hotmail.com Password: michael360 i dont care if you keep the account its a sucky 1 that i gave to my bro in 2007 when he first got his elite it was highest skill 4 1 exp but he ruined it i could do it but my internet is been running sucky i cant see marketplace and it keeps loosing connection please some 1 help you be doing me and lilrguy5 a favour
  3. he he he lol dakote
  4. lol i got to admit it isnt my work pargy
  5. http://ak.buy.com/db_assets/large_images/238/202790238.jpg Do You keep Getting That Message "Windows Needs To Search For Drivers Search online?" You Click Yes And Still it Doesnt work ***Download This***] Debut Video Capture Software Run The Program Click Device and Walla Instantly Its Working if its a bit blury twist that grey ring on the Vision Camera That Should Work The Downside is that you need To keep it open when your talking on MSN Messenger or any video chat client Note to Pargy This is 100% My Tutorial
  6. yh grunt your right thanx if you live in the us read this GruntMods.com How To Get a Free Transfer Cable
  7. no need to resign or rehash i download a halo wars theme resigned it and it didnt work note to pargy ummm the game isnt stolen right lol
  8. Mass Effect http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/0fa9dbe76608bc2af21fd4da3b8ba4f52g.jpg Mass Effect Link Left 4 Dead http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/23ec6114f0df09de41e659d4f93ee8d42g.jpg Left 4 Dead Link Resident Evil 5 http://marketplace.xbox.com/NR/rdonlyres/4E96ED71-2232-4D06-9681-438CE04174D2/0/stnresidentevil507.jpg Resident Evil 5 Link Perfect Dark Zero http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/907a8d028b9695a865568db3894d9ad42g.jpg Perfect Dark Zero Link Lost Planet 2 Lost Planet 2 Link Aegis Wing http://www.mediafire.com/imgbnc.php/2e341e89da957629a86587baa83ffe6b2g.jpg Aegis Wing Link Dash Of Destruction http://i29.tinypic.com/2cz3rqd.jpg Dash Of Destruction Link Dash OF Destruction Full Xbox360 Arcade Game Hexic HD Hexic HD Link Yaris Yaris Link
  9. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?/topic/16249-how-to-hack-orange-box-team-fortress-2/
  10. How to hack Team Fortress 2 for xbox 360. What you will need, xplorer360 - To extract and inject the save file to and from the hdd or mu. wxPirs 1.1 - To extract contents of the usersettings file. Winhex - Or your prefered hex editor. Con Resigner - To rehash and resign your modified usersettings. First off this guide presumes you have transfered save files to and from your pc before, its not that complicated, there are hundreds of guides on conectivity on the net so i wont go into that in this tutorial. 1, Open your mu or hdd in xplorer360 and browse to the orange box folder under your profile wich is called 4541080F, and extract your usersettings file. 2, Open wxPirs 1.1 and extract the tf_config.cfg from your usersettings file, when your mouse hovers over the file the hex offset for the location will be shown, use windows calculators scietific mode to convert this to Decimal. 3, Open tf_config.cfg with notepad, it should look like this, unbindall bind "A_BUTTON" "jump" bind "B_BUTTON" "reload" bind "X_BUTTON" "tuant" bind "Y_BUTTON" "togglescores" bind "L_SHOULDER" "invprev" bind "R_SHOULDER" "invnext" bind "BACK" "changeclass" bind "STICK1" "+duck" bind "STICK2" "voicemenu 0 0" bind "UP" "slot1" bind "RIGHT" "slot2" bind "DOWN" "slot3" bind "LEFT" "slot4" bind "S1_UP" "xmove" bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" bind "S2_UP" "xlook" cl_rumblescale "1" cc_subtitles "0" joy_pitchsensitivity "-1.0" joy_yawsensitivity "-1.25" joy_inverty "0" joy_inverty_default "0" joy_movement_stick_default "0" joy_movement_stick "0" hud_fastswitch "2" commentary "0" closecaption "0" skill "2" sv_unlockedchapters "99" volume "1.0" sn And here is a hacked example with noclip and god mode enabled for online use. unbindall bind "A_BUTTON" "sv_cheats 1" bind "B_BUTTON" "noclip" bind "X_BUTTON" "hurtme -100000" bind "Y_BUTTON" "togglescores" bind "L_SHOULDER" "invprev" bind "R_SHOULDER" "invnext" bind "BACK" "changeclass" bind "STICK1" "+duck" bind "STICK2" "voicemenu 0 0" bind "UP" "slot1" bind "RIGHT" "slot2" bind "DOWN" "slot3" bind "LEFT" "slot4" bind "S1_UP" "xmove" bind "L_TRIGGER" "+attack2" bind "R_TRIGGER" "+attack" bind "S2_UP" "xlook" cl_rumblescale "1" cc_subtitles "0" joy_pitchsensitivity "-1.0" joy_yawsensitivity "-1.25" joy_inverty "0" joy_inverty_default "0" joy_movement_stick_default "0" joy_movement_stick "0" hud_fastswitch "2" commentary "0" closecaption "0" skill "2" sv_unlockedchapters "99" volume "1.0" sn Make any changes you would like and save it. You can find new commands on google, they are the same as the pc server commands. sv_cheats 1 MUST be bound to a button, if you dont turn it on at the start of a match then no other hack will work. 4, Open your usersettings file in winhex and goto the decimal offset you converted earlier, you will see in the ASCI code the cfg file. Open your saved tf_config.cfg in winhex press ctrl+a to highlight the file press ctrl+c to copy it to clipboard, switch back usersettings and press ctrl+b to write the data at the offset you found earlier. Save and close. 5, Open up your con resigner and rehash and resign the usersettings file and transfer it back to your hdd or mu. Yes you can also modify the save file to unlock all achievments, simply use the command achievement_unlock_all and bind it to your desired button. Half life 2, episode 2, portal etc all have seperate .cfg file to edit, you can find and edit them the same way you did tf_config.cfg for Team Fortress 2. Only Team Fortress 2 requires sv_cheats 1 to be bound to a button. Enjoy and happy hacking!
  11. UK You Can Call Them But They Will Just Tell You To Do This If You Have The Internet And Obviously You Do They Know You Play On XBOX Live UK Free Order Data Migration Kit US It Use To Be Easy As the UK This Link US Free Order Data Migration Kit Step 1:Calling Microsoft. OK the number for Microsoft is 1-800-469-9209 or 1-800-4myxobox. OK call the number and when the person asks why you are calling just say a bunch of random things like " I Just Bought a 120GB HD and i want all my Content on it or say you just bought an xbox360 elite. If you don't she wont understand what you are saying and still make you pay for it. If you want to pay 12.50$ US then go for it but if Step 2: Getting The Cable OK you need to know a Few things to do this step: Street Address - So you can tell them where to send it to. Phone Number - So they can call you if anything goes wrong with the shipping etc. Xbox 360 Serial Number - If you don't know where this is I will post at the bottom of this post how to find it. OK once you have all of that tell the Representative that you just got a Xbox 360 HDD don't even say what size if they ask anything over 20 GIG such as 60 GIG or 120 GIG just in case you did not know. O and if they ask where you got it just say GamStop. or any shop in america that sells Xbox360 HD's Then tell them you need a Data Migration Kit. Then they should ask for you're Serial Number and they they will ask a Few questions about the account and so on and after all of that they will put you on hold and tell you it will Arrive at you're house Sometime before 10-12 Days. (If it takes any longer then that call back and use the Reference Number so yes Actually Write it down) That's it! Congrats! you have a Data Migration Kit For Free! How to find you're Xbox 360 Serial Number: Just for the people that do not know If you do know then don't Look here or you're Head will Explode! Under the Faceplate: OK the First way to find it is under the faceplate of you're Xbox 360. OK TURN YOUR XBOX OFF IF IT IS ON If you don't it will Scratch the Crap out of any disc in there. Next Carefully pull on the Faceplate of the xbox and it should just pop Right off. Then look for the white sticker with some Numbers on it that's you're Serial Number Write it down. On the Dashboard: OK this one it alot more Simple. First Turn on you're Xbox 360 and go to System. Then Go all the way down to System Info. And there it is the very first Set on Numbers. On the Back of the Xbox 360: OK this one is WAY MORE SIMPLE. First TURN OFF YOU'RE XBOX. Then Turn it over and there should be a Blackish Grey Sticker With a White sticker on it that says you're Serial Number. And there you go.
  12. Peaches i tried to add colour to the title its a fail could some one take the colour code out please
  13. dakote i know it aint uk only but i know sites that only preoder in the uk except the pre order link thats amazon.com its in dollars thank sotg i missed that lol
  14. Umm Ill join If Its Ranked Add me Gt kidhitman/x kidhitman x/ i kidhitman i/ xlb snipe/ im currently playing on yung dimpz i want to play something ranked with lost i wana c how he plays
  15. wow my pc came out in 2007 the only thing i am jealous of firefox is the sick add ons and community themes Dark S
  16. He He He I Totaly Agree With You Lost
  17. Halo 3 may have ended in the far reaches of outer space, but back on planet Earth a new story is just beginning! Available exclusively on Xbox 360, Halo 3: ODST sees you take on the role of The Rookie, the newest recruit to humanity's second most elite fighting force, the Orbital Drop Shock Troopers! Next to the Spartans, ODSTs are the UNSC's biggest and best hope against the Covenant. And so, as Spartan 117 - codename Master Chief - battles the zealots in outer space, the ODSTs are left to fight the remaining alien forces left behind on humanity's homeworld. In Halo 3: OSDT on Xbox 360, you'll explore the ruins of the devastated New Mombassa, location of the Covenant's incursions in Halo 3 - employing stealth, cunning and high-powered weaponry in order to uncover its secrets. Packing a unique, free-roaming FPS campaign, all-new multiplayer modes, a fresh co-operative gametype called Firefight, and even including three brand new multiplayer maps for Halo 3, ODST will be the biggest Xbox game of the entire year! Get ready to drop - Pre-Order Halo 3: ODST today! There Are Two Choices For The Game ***UK ONLY*** 1.Halo 3: ODST including Halo Reach BETA Access (Xbox 360) http://img.game.co.uk/ml/3/4/2/2/342218ps_500h.jpg ***OR*** 2.Halo 3 ODST with Limited Edition Controller and Halo Reach Beta Access (Xbox 360) http://gallery.thatvideogameblog.com/cache/halo-3-odst/halo-3-odst-controller_bundle.jpg_626.jpg Im Getting The ã60 Great Britain Pounds one With That Sick ODST Controller Im Not To Sure About Pre-ordering i dont really care about Johnson Halo 3 ODST UK Countdown ***Sorry Im not to Sure Where Americans/Canadians Buy Their Games From So I Only Put Up Amazon.com in the Pre-Order Link If Some One Could Post A US/CAD Guide Thanks
  18. Every 1 With Sense Will know that google chrome is the best internet browser in the world (for Now) its quick its smooth and does everything except sometimes it has ftp errors second place is Apple's Safari 4 then Morzilla FireFox ,Opera and Internet Explorer is saidly last "M$ tried to hard lol IE8 is a Failure " to bad google Chrome aint on MAC OS X yet Google Chrome For Macintosh OS X In Development i have seen that since Xmas but you can use this in the mean timeCrossOver Chronium A.K.A Google Chrome For Mac I Google Chrome REPOST THIS IF YOU PREFER Google Chrome
  19. jake now your just talking non sense vista and xp are 2 sick
  20. Original Sweet Dreams 1983 Personally My Favourite is The Drum N Bass but i like the chorus from the original and the begining of the marilyn manson
  21. yh i played by my self offline on valhalla the spartan laser fires 3 lasers from one single shot i thought some could mod it so it's online playable again like a system link network like xbconnect.com
  22. And i dont agree with modding the halo 3 and odst vidmasters will get you recon go to my friends list I kidhitman i look for xsantyagio or something he's got all the achievements no recon for him and the flames are kind of lowsy aswell it's shud be bigger
  23. Recon Is For N00BS how much people have you seen in matchmaking with recon and got thier spartan kicked ive seen first lieutenants highest skill 17 500xp and over with recon what did they do for it suck at halo 3
  24. ok my bad but it is still useful for modding doe right since there havent been any updates for it or patches
  25. what didnt your's even go to the start menu screen that background is funny
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