meybe is we all report here - cause it says "Was your site listed and is now gone? If you had hacks/cracks/etc - its not coming back. If you were using a voting stone, remove it first." it says hacks/cracks , and right in the medalcoremodz description is says "Modding, Bridging, VIP (great tuts), Hacking, Videos, Superbounces SOTW/Map Pack, Arcade, Download!" it says hacking thats not aloud so if we all report for them using proxies and to get their rank up and also report that they have and support hacking , that might work
all medalcoremodz is doing is using proxies to make their count go higher which is not aloud but the top200 site does not seem to be doing anything about it cause if you look at all the clicks they got most are all proxy ips and don't have a ref feral link, as in our there all real ips and the ref feral link is the cause we had the lead today until some ass on their site used proxies again and again. kinda makes you want to feel sorry for them cause they cant get members/hits and rank 1 on a top200 site legitimately sad...
people might do what they did to halo 2 and create some kind of patch letting you mod in matchmaking , not that i support cheating, but cheaters will probably find a way
the first one is nox13666 the second is Well done you have fout how to translate HEX cou deserve a cookie and the 3rd is Very impressive, you know how to translate binary code! Now you deserve a ******* balloon lol. done