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Everything posted by fattwam

  1. yeah i did that on legendary with a few people and we all got OWNED
  2. i need a team in swat i alwayse get matched up with noobs on my team im 41 in swat
  3. PINK http://i166.photobucket.com/albums/u110/fattwam/OI.jpg PlayerModel.bmp
  4. when we got hacked people got all of our password and started spamming us using other users account so they got banned
  5. cause no one likes to click google ads
  6. topics merged
  7. whats your levels
  8. paid advertising
  9. i dunno iv never herd of that but i already got a 50 in slayer, objective, and doubles and 41 in swat and 39 in MLG and 35 in lone wolves ill get all 50's soon
  10. fattwam


  11. jesus, both of you shut up this is neither the time nor place
  12. thats really sucks dude i remember when my mom had to go to the hospital every week to get chemo , them after when she was getting worse and had to stay in the hospital until she died
  13. but the other sections are not active
  14. yes very true, open up to everyone not just people interested in halo. and we don't have to worry about crashing the server the site is on
  15. fattwam

    XBL accounts

  16. cya in a bit we will be fine
  17. also our Google page rank is 3/10
  18. lol all the noobs think that its so hard to get their ips and find out all their info you did not even boot anyone
  19. hockey ?
  20. i remember that vid lol yeah i know people like that
  21. yes but do make sure that you give credit to them
  22. it is possiblle to still get ddos'ed but we have a lot more protection and will recover faster and unlike our other host that didnt do much about us getting ddos this new host takes it much more seriously
  23. Sorry about that Click Here To Download UMP v5
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