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Rogue Modder

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Everything posted by Rogue Modder

  1. Yes peaches! This is awesome!
  2. Those are probably set to 0 be default, and link to a registry to store the value. I assume those are the modifiers, not used by default, but set/disabled by the skulls.
  3. To add on to DeadCanadian, it seems CEA was built on-top of Gearbox's 2003 PC ported codebase, and not Bungie's 2001 Xbox Codebase. So that probably would in-fact work.
  4. I'm not sure if I like it or not.
  5. So many cool and nostalgic faces. It's a very weird feeling inside :'(.
  6. This is so cool, can't wait to see it get refined down. This could really help brain dead patients, to see if they really are veggies.
  7. Same, I just about passed my GCSE's thanks to reach beta modding and have only scraped exams since I started modding. Yet the knowledge of programming/formats of halo game files and the techniques used to research them have helped me through school, and got me through computing and just tought me so much more than I'd have ever learn at high school. The stuff they teach you is just pathetic. Just to add on, when I read "It's like Halley's Comet, its a once in a life time ride and we were part of it.", man that almost had a tear in my eye, yet I felt honored to be part of it.
  8. When I saw the title I was worried, then I read the last paragraph and there'd was a sign of relief. IBM isn't going down I'm much like a lot of you, if it wernt for modding, I'd have never got into programming and wouldn't be doing anything I am today. So for that I have t thank halomods, ibotmodz, se7ensins and xboxchaos. And of course the hundreds of people on the sites that helped me and put up with my immature drama/bitching (damn attention *****). Thanks guys, thanks so much <3
  9. I hope it's London, but i think it might be a return to San Andreas. On multipul disks.
  10. Nope. Different engine. (yay bump).
  11. God, I remember this. (And lol! at your sig Decatur, I remember that).
  12. I love'd SimCity 2000 and SimCity4. I really hope if they made a SC5, it will be true to the original gameplay style. Not some "COD" attempt at the genre.
  13. Don't you need any sort of API security. Also, does this just add the auth data to session cookies? How can we check if someone is logged in.
  14. Seems alot snappier. Yay.
  15. Nothings changed around here then . This is good.
  16. http://xeraxic.com/images/software/posts/liberty/0.png http://xeraxic.com/images/software/posts/liberty/1.png Liberty, is the first Halo: Reach campaign editor, that is 100% free, and doesn't require registration. It can also do more features than most of the current editors around. It was coded from 100% our research and we had no help at all from anyone who already had information on campaign saves. It is licensed under the GPL v3 Copyright act, which means you may use the Source-Code to learn, but can't simply edit it and release it for profit or without giving proper credit to the original owners. http://xeraxic.com/images/software/posts/liberty/2.png Liberty, was developed by 4 people; - AMD: Backend Code/Research - Xerax: GUI/Backend Code/Research - ThunderWaffle {Unknown Heck}: Research - XenonDev {Kontrol}: Research And we would also like to thank; - Bloodrapter: Testing - DeadCanadian: Testing/Help Researching - Ascention Developers - Xbox Chaos Community - Team Viewer - Bungie: For being kickass, and leading the way in FPS's over the last 10 years. (also making a b**** of a save format) http://xeraxic.com/images/software/posts/liberty/4.png Q: I get an exception saying my Save is an "Invalid Package" watdo? A: Well, that means it isn't a valid Halo: Reach Campaign Savegame, or it is corrupted. Try getting a clean/Untouched save. Q: I get exceptions saying I don't have the correct file permissions? A: Make sure you are running the application as Administrator. Q: When i try to load a save from my USB, it says it can't detect any FATX Devices? A: Make sure you are running the application as Administrator, and you don't have any other fatx viewers open. http://xeraxic.com/images/software/posts/liberty/7.png http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZZv3PtdHs8U http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MbNIStdqVmQ http://xeraxic.com/images/software/posts/liberty/6.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/liberty/1.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/liberty/2.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/liberty/3.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/liberty/4.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/liberty/5.png http://xeraxic.com/images/projects/liberty/6.png http://xeraxic.com/images/software/posts/liberty/5.png Xeraxic - Download
  17. And the fact it's in a LIVE Container.
  18. Oh, thank you . I really like this style and can't wait to see what more they add to windows 8 with it. Also with my email from a student evangelist in MicrosoftUK, things are looking up . Here's a little something im doing with Metro, Installer Package in MetroUI style; http://img831.imageshack.us/img831/2492/untiyinstall.png
  19. On the E3 invite card it has "Master Chief" and "Cortana" on it with a picture of an Energy Sword.
  20. Thanks guys I'll be honest, I can't tell if your being sarcastic about the semicolons tbh
  21. Just finished my site Recoded it all, added alot of background stuff to make it easier for me. - User system - Admin Control Panel - Software Gallery (PC, Web, WP7, Game hax) - Photography Gallery (photos, events) - Portfolio Gallery - Blog (Wordpress with my own theme to match the rest of the site) - Comments system site link :: http://xeraxic.com/ What do you guys think?
  22. It needs more vagina.
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