~~~ Sweeney's Account Shop ~~~ I have A LOT of extra accounts, as Nielsss, and Fattwam know. And I really have no use for them. So willing to sell of trade them. I have gold and silver. Some have M$ points, some don't. Some are level 40+ in Halo 3, some haven't played a game. contact me at either, AIM- Sweeeeeeeeeeney or MSN- Sweeeeeeeeeeney@hotmail.com If you need to know how or where the accounts came from, don't bother doing business with me. Fattwam, and Nielsss can vouch for me. I'm an honest guy, and I won't rip you off. But I wouldn't try and rip me off I'm always on aim, or msn so hit me up if your interested. Since Peach posted something like this I figured it'd be ok if I did.
Well going into matchmaking by yourself is boring, and i'm still getting clips for my up and coming montage. So if anybody wants to join me for a couple games of BtB hit me up. Make sure you put iBotModz in the message, od else I won't accept it. And don't expect to win i'm going for clips. air sweeney
It's been rough for him lately, so I think he needs something to cheer him up. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19840-398.gif [IMG=http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc304/xsweeneyx/Animation/Nielsss.gif] CnC even though it's animation? And I might take requests soon.