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Everything posted by Sweeney

  1. If it was staged it wouldn't be in a montage. Staging is for worthless kids who actually can't get clips.
  2. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KK63hfG0tEw Watch. Tell me what you think.
  3. There was no need for that. Nobody thinks your cool if you say something like that. It's obvious that most of the people here have no idea of what a support sig like that is supposed to accomplish.
  4. Looks like Bungie might do something right. Haha, who am I kidding.
  5. If you could lighten up the wallpaper like the original, I'd use it.
  6. Wouldn't have noticed it if you didn't say that.
  7. I say your in. Yu haz seksi artz.
  8. This is going to sound immensely gay, but, that is a good picture of you my friend.
  9. Lol i didn't give you that link. And the faster the better if you ask me.
  10. Sweeney

    hi there

    Kyle makes me wet in my pants. And his Gfx makes me even wetter.
  11. I noticed it, but I didn't see anymore on it.
  12. I know it. We don't have the shitty skin or anything.
  13. COWS EAT... HAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY Yeah, this site kinda turned into a nub fest. I say we eat the less fortunate, and turn this site into how it used to be.
  14. Sweeney


    http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc304/xsweeneyx/Halo%203/H4x.png http://i218.photobucket.com/albums/cc304/xsweeneyx/Everything%20else/flameit.png That.
  15. Sweeney

    Peace out

    Well, i'm pretty much leaving. Modding doesn't interest me anymore, and the site has really been taken over by N0oBzZ. I'll be back to post my montage and thats about it. If anyone wants to talk you can find my aim/msn/gamertag around here somewhere. Farwell iBotModz, I WILL ALWAYS LOVE YOUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUUU
  16. Those are big boobies.
  17. willow.ulfgod@hotmail.com and the password is halo Have fun!!
  18. I love you to? And sorry for the loss halo modder.
  19. http://achievementgen.info/view.php?ach=18265
  20. Yay!! This was kinda almost my idea.
  21. Bring the post count for VIP back up to 200. Everyones spamming....
  22. Sweeney


    Wow, thats impressive.
  23. Miinaturvet and Legacy, talk to me.
  24. Actually I want a fresh account. I have to need to update my main one.
  25. If any of you guys have a 1 month, or a fairly fresh account, pm me or IM me. I'll trade you something.
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