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Everything posted by logan522

  1. looks pretty cool but i dont like the stroke
  2. thats cool but did you have to make the logo so small?
  3. maybe, just maybe with a tiny sprinkle of magic there is some way to host it... It says: Paste this code in the page where you'd like your search box to appear. <!-- Google CSE Search Box Begins --> <form action="http://" id="searchbox_001841189296898136773:z65-rogwumk"> <input type="hidden" name="cx" value="001841189296898136773:z65-rogwumk" /> <input type="hidden" name="cof" value="FORID:11" /> <input type="text" name="q" size="25" /> <input type="submit" name="sa" value="Search" /> </form> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/coop/cse/brand?form=searchbox_001841189296898136773%3Az65-rogwumk"></script> <!-- Google CSE Search Box Ends --> Paste this code on http://, where you would like your search results to appear. <!-- Google Search Result Snippet Begins --> <div id="results_001841189296898136773:z65-rogwumk"></div> <script type="text/javascript"> var googleSearchIframeName = "results_001841189296898136773:z65-rogwumk"; var googleSearchFormName = "searchbox_001841189296898136773:z65-rogwumk"; var googleSearchFrameWidth = 600; var googleSearchFrameborder = 0; var googleSearchDomain = "www.google.com"; var googleSearchPath = "/cse"; </script> <script type="text/javascript" src="http://www.google.com/afsonline/show_afs_search.js"></script> <!-- Google Search Result Snippet Ends -->
  4. http://301url.com/ibotsearch
  5. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2645-638.jpg Here's how you do it. First of all, this must be done with two people and on Forge. One person must be in edit mode, and the other player mode. To do this, the editer must first spawn a missle pod. Then delete the weapon, right as the other player is picking it up. if done correctly, you will have no weapon! But your weapon will be back if you either press "Y" or get into a vehicle.
  6. thats weird because i was just about to post this again
  7. lol i forgot you dont have your xbox back yet http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages1/2638-639.gif
  8. logan522


    i got this warning saying i didn't flood either i only posted one thing lol and what does carry on requested pages mean?
  9. heres some of my pics, not my best but idk what happened to my good screenshots, i guess i deleted them on accident or something
  10. logan522


    i have a lot of favorite, random, bands like...as i lay dying, as blood runs black, night ranger, tom jones, Bon Jovi, aerosmith, Akon, Blink 182, Bob Marley, Bryan Adams, lil jon, counting crows, journey, Europe, FOB, lil boosie, Lynard skynard, ozzy, poison, teddy geiger and a lot more.. lol that was really random =]
  11. ok thanks
  12. thats fun i used to use that a lot me and my friends made a little show and put them on youtube lol
  13. Just post your best screenshot from halo 3, then the person who replies needs to rate 1-10 and so on and so on, no editing!! If you edit then i dont know your just a bad person and i dont know how you sleep at night!! =] I just took this because i thought it looked kinda cool and the dude is getting blown out of the turret =] http://www.bungie.net/Stats/Halo3/Screenshot.ashx?size=medium&ssid=BE57F63658577BD5A238FEAAC4AC07EB
  14. yeah im deff. with peaches and snail
  15. logan522


    SHUT THE ##$% UP YOU LITTLE @*^&@#, YOUR LIKE 14 DONT ACT LIKE YOUR ALL TOUGH BECAUSE YOUR SMOKE YOU *&@#@@ LOSER hmmm...actually im 16, im not bragging, and melo dont be mad at me because all you do is hang out on the computer all day long and the only friends that you have you've never seen before because they're over the internet =]
  16. logan522


    ehh..i'm more of a drinker myself, i feel all depressed after i smoke pot so im pretty much done with that
  17. logan522


    lol same here
  18. lol all refer each other i'd do it
  19. logan522


    its actually being sarcastic, some wigger dude was talkin and braggin about smokin weed and stuff and we were just making fun of him and i said well you aint cool until you do meth
  20. all the time *****, that game and halo is my fav. game on the 360
  21. logan522


  22. vegas 7 REPRESENT!!! YEA BOI!!! lol nice tage dude it could have a better song at the beggining tho
  23. now peaches. lets be realistic here lol me? post? pictures? like? everyone? else? do not make me laugh, and i dont wanna post 47 screenshots lol
  24. http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/scree ... id=6608971 tell me what you think of them
  25. http://www.bungie.net/stats/halo3/screensh...aN&ssid=1272317 (LOOK AT ALL MY SCREENSHOTS,THERE PRETTY GOOD)
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