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Everything posted by logan522

  1. Sup, I need a logo for my machinimas. I have a banner but i need a logo. I'd really appreciate if someone could do this for me. Thanks
  2. how?
  3. n/m i found a solution
  4. well is there a simple domain thats free kind of like .co.nr or .tk. i need a diff one because when i refresh it logs you out and brings you to the main page.
  5. anybody?
  6. Does anybody know of an easy quick way i can get a .org or .net domain for free? or can someone hook me up with one?
  7. yeah that also reminds me of a uestion i was gonna ask. what are pikmen?
  8. we're awesome
  9. lol it was kinda cool that it was a free forum and it was still like the best modding forum around
  10. wtf unit? lol were your kyle senses tingling? that was weird lol
  11. i doubt if anyone remembers this but i made this when we made our ibotmodz team and we were gonna make a vice city mod for headlong lol good times, good times http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12077-236.jpg i also found my old respect list lol you can tell it's old because I fear I and ketchupfreak are on it. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/12077-237.jpg
  12. tink you come again
  13. i got a couple: Lol, because we're too lazy to type laugh out loud bologna, because it's such a fun word to say..bologna haha Lucky Charms, these are.. AWESOME!! bacon, because we all wanna eat an animal that rolls around in mud and s***
  14. lol that sounded funny
  15. wow you guys are dicks lol you didn't even consider that .nke is alpha
  16. thanks man
  17. anybody? i'd really appreciate the feedback.
  18. This is a dodgeball map made my me and Heretic v2. I really hope you'll watch the vid, comment on bungie, rate, download, you know the works lol it has pics and a video. It took us a good 5 hours. The vid took me almost an hour. http://www.bungie.net/Forums/posts.aspx?postID=19460354
  19. ehh just been busy plus i stopped modding so it was kind of pointless to keep coming here but i'm still a loyal ibotmodz member lol and yeah my friend who did it with me told me it was a little long too
  20. This is just a little funny video me and my friends made. [youtube:j1xl1y2n][/youtube:j1xl1y2n]
  21. Ok here's the thing. Everytime i go to google, or some other search engine, i type in what i'n looking for and when i click on something i get redirected to some other site like Jump, or another search engine. When i click on links in general another window pops up and says like 404 forbidden, i close it out and just continue on. I looked through my program files to see if there's anthing out of the ordinary. I found some stuff but i googled it and it was nothing bad. Then i found a folder called SecCenter and opened it and found something called scprot4.exe and that sounded weird so i googled it and all the links had something to do with viruses, or malware removal. Plus my norton window pops up every ten minutes saying a trojun vundo was blocked or something like that. I tried the symnatic trojan vundo remover but it didn't find anything. i don't know what to do this is really annoying. If you've ever heard of this or have an idea please tell.
  22. thanks lol
  23. Xboxsoftmods now has EVERY h3 map, not just the beta maps
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