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Everything posted by V3NOM

  1. i doont give a s*** i still dont like to see old asss topics
  2. yo im sorry too my good friend died on jan 4th he left his son by himself with his mom in jail his son was my best friend and he was like a father figure for me cause i dont have one i know how you feel
  3. wow stop spamming you just hijacked a good topic and made it badd
  4. i say hall of fames are for people who are famous by over 100000 people and at that we can only put in anthony detox and shadow lag.... way to bump old topicsss
  5. wow who cares http://tural.gfxevolution.com/360/images/a78eece092135a3.png
  6. haha your gf is kinda hot how did she end up with you lol IM the one with the glasses http://img294.imageshack.us/img294/5999/homecoming08018lw9.th.jpg http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/6426/homecoming08019mn1.th.jpg http://img300.imageshack.us/img300/804/homecoming08040mf3.th.jpg
  7. V3NOM

    VIP Transition

  8. yeah
  9. wow that is some goooddd editing at the begining the best ive seen for a halo 3 montage
  10. V3NOM

    VIP Transition

    wow thats a copy off of xboxtampers are you really gonna take an idea from the site that sligstorm made??? ^thats pretty bad^ i think that that is kindaof dumb idk i wont end up gettin it because ill get -5 rep whatever if i can get vip when the new update comes ill tell you the vunerability to that system...
  11. shut up who the fucck are you? callin people skids ive never heard of you if anyones a skid here its you... anyway you could just upload it to ripway then make a table for your index.html that is just your index for ripway
  12. wow this looks cool except the cars...
  13. wow this is cool burnt sandtrap??? im pretty sure that i came up with that idea..... well what did you use to make it gray?
  14. V3NOM


    wow way to be a giant duchhee bag i dont see how he got vip all of your post suck and are useless and snipedown is easssilllyyyy the best Strongside is better than walshy and i dominated strongside 3-0
  15. wow they have another season? jeez its the same thing over and over again the only way the should have 5 seasons is if its rrrreeeeaaallllyyyy drawn out or the people on the island are mentally retarded < would be a funny show to watch lol
  16. English please? And yeah you should be able to do it but whats the point if you have a dev kit??? you can do just normal halo just do lots of tests it will be hard but if you have the smarts to actually do stuff with your dev you should be able to do this
  17. V3NOM

    visocar's Map Pack

    Links dont work No pics No description so You=SuPeRPHAIL!!! LOL
  18. V3NOM

    France Trip 2008.

    ohh kool im takin french salut well chow lol its only our 2nd day
  19. V3NOM


    Are you sure you made it? Im PRETTY sure ive seen this somewhere else.... and yes he is overated you should have done snipedown hes probably the best in mlg
  20. eyy there mate im pretty sure there are people in australia do waayyy crazier things For example: Steve Irwin (RIP)
  21. those people do that for a living i doubt anyone on this site could do it your best bet is take a pic of it???
  22. injecting pics is different from modding them MODIFYING would be to change them your not changing the pic.
  23. wow this was good the only reason this happened was because the other team was HORRIBLE and dumb enough to keep going outside when they got killed 100 times
  24. V3NOM

    Modded Film

    wow couldnt you of told that first all you where doin was post boosting
  25. PICS or it didnt happen
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