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Everything posted by gruntmods

  1. $1.50 and an expired condom
  2. http://lesbianswholooklikejustinbieber.tumblr.com/
  3. My cousin has an ipod touch, does he use it for word processing? yea, but more memory is better, 512 is the average(even in laptops, they share the system memory pool)and 128 mb does not cut it, unless you are using Photoshop or playing the sims.
  4. how so? It had better graphics and played smoother.
  5. What businessman uses a mac? If you were a graphic designer( a target demographic of the mac) then you would want a good graphics card with alot of memory.
  6. Dont do any of that, if you are using vista or windows 7 turn off uac
  7. lol, Well apparently quite a few people are taking credit for this, so I have to go around every modding website and get them to update.
  8. Can we get the bioshock 2 dlc this way?
  9. How can they not have a user group?
  10. it doesnt become blackisted.
  11. np, always glad to help, its the whole point of the program! Don`t forget to +rep
  12. Nope, jtag xboxs were always able to do this, this is strictly retail.
  13. why are you ordering one? New version, now auto updates: http://halo.gruntmods.com/Files/Xtaf_Release_Gui_.rar
  14. Ask that about Cs3 To Cs4
  15. yes it is, they sell out of backgrounds.
  16. add gruntlord6 to the fray
  17. gruntmods

    lmao movies

    No u.
  18. how is that funny?
  19. Latest download is always hosted at GruntMods and uploaded by slasherking himself. http://halo.gruntmods.com/Files/Xtaf_Release_Gui_.rar
  20. peaches, wanna upload to my site and ill mirror it?
  21. I too have a problem with faggots.
  22. lol, its your job since you have access now.
  23. yea, please dont bump old topics.
  24. same here
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