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Everything posted by ixGAMEOVERxixx

  1. I cannot for the life of me get this patch working.. Somewhere something is f***ed up, that is all I know. ='( Please help It gets to 3/4 of the way through then gives me a script compile error
  2. Okay Point taken =)
  3. If no one has by the morning I will, but I'm going to sleep in a sec.
  4. GAMEROVER? Who's he?
  5. Lovin' the enthusiasm. Nice release, I won't be downloading though.. I prefer separate tools in separate folders.. But that's probably just me
  6. ixGAMEOVERxixx


    OKay... Does the phrase "Only in Japan" apply to that?
  7. ixGAMEOVERxixx


  8. Nice Even if there is nothing new in that video.. A godmode might be nice.. And barrier removal..
  9. Apart from reposting my post and making some things bold.. What's the point in this? Edit: It's nice having it in a layout that can be viewed on IBM.. =Z
  10. I love the way within a day of posting this it's been stolen and had the credits section removed on 3 different websites.. ¬¬
  11. Yeah, I was a bit later than you.. But i have everything organised
  13. THIS IS AWESOME! Downloading nao! Needs fire coming out of the back, and then it will be perfect
  14. Ohai, didn't see yooh der... =D
  15. Oh my god >.< It's not supposed to be taken literally.. =D Also, it's not photoshoped.. It's a google search trick..
  16. That made me LOL! =) I want a sniper that fires multiple rockets from the start...
  17. However it's a PS3 which makes that void.. I'd give it away free... I'm joking I would be interested but it's NTSC =|
  18. o.O Why is everyone here so bad at MW2? JKS The highest kill streak I've got is 43.. My Nuke Class Primary Weapon: Scar-H (Silencer) Secondary Weapon: PP2000 (Silencer) Equipment: Claymore Spec Gren: Stun First Perk: Scavenger Pro (although, One man army would be better) Second Perk: Cold Blooded Pro Third Perk: Ninja Pro Death Streak: Copycat (only one allowed by MLG) Try and stick to a small area of the map, place lots of claymores.. When you get your harrier play uber defensive... Chopper gunner make sure you hide in a nice spot... NUKE Hopefully.. Nukes to date: 33
  19. xD Riveting tale ol' chap!
  20. " Right around this time he spun around and took off running, like a nerd running from a wild pack of high-school jocks.As is the case with most of us gamers Justin D. May didn't have the stamina to make it very far," That bit is hilarious, I nearly p-eed myself =D
  21. Who said it was supposed to have anything to do with modding? o.O And it's £0.98, hardly breaks the bank tbh
  22. Microsoft disabled the Datel Max Memory units out of pure spite a while back claiming that they were "unsafe" for use with the Xbox 360. This is a simple tip on how to use that MSD Card from the Memory Unit once again. Buy a very cheap Micro SD card reader - http://www.amazon.co.../ref=pd_cp_ce_0 Take out your Micro SD card from your Datel Memory Unit and place into the MicroSD Card reader Insert the card reader into your Xbox 360 USB port Go to memory and let it format your card (THIS WILL ERASE ALL THE DATA ON IT, SO BACK IT UP) Have fun =) Discovered by Me
  23. The website is currently unavailable.. That's what it said when I got to the check out
  24. Take a picture of the XEX Loader dash with a piece of paper with your iBotModz.net username name and the url: http://www.iBotModz.net Thanks ALSO, UK or USA?
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