What, are you only looking at the 8e6 ProxyBlocker? Look at all of their products. Also when you say you are behind a VPN, who exactly are you connecting to through your VPN? And if your connection really is in a VPN like you say it is then playing games on Xbox Live would not work good because you would be raising your ping up.
Thats what I'm thinking, there is a bandwidth limit they just don't tell you until you get there and they cut you off. It is a way for them to get more customers. My servers are on my own connection which allows for the bandwidth to be how ever fast my connection so happens to be. EDIT: Actually the more I think about it shared hosting is alright if you plan on having a simple website. But if you think you are going to be making a website like YouTube.com with shared hosting you can forget about it.
Haha lol, I feel so bad for him. You've got to know what you are doing when you give your info away like that. To anyone planning on letting some random person "borrow" your account, please don't be stupid and make sure you know what you are doing before you end up losing your account forever.
I will host SQL databases for you, but that is it. Backups can be auto-created hourly, daily, weekly, whenever. SQL backups can be auto sent to an FTP server if you'd like. If you don't know what SQL databases are then WTF?