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Everything posted by robert_hehn

  1. No se escucha aquí, las partículas de la pizza no puede salir sin una Biblia en proceso de revisión para la segunda venida de tortugas en la grieta sin Root Beer. Estoy de acuerdo con los puntos están realizando acerca de las máquinas de fax, cuando se les acaba el Jelly .... ¿cómo lo sabríamos? Creo que un nuevo sistema de jalea detetion debería ser implementado en estas máquinas de fax actuales antes de finales de 2014, sin que esto la explosión de gell repulsión se insertará en nuestros agujeros pene y nuestra culo. Además, es Pascua por lo que debemos tener relaciones sexuales.
  2. Sorry, I had I server hdd fail on me which caused things to go up and down on the 6th, 7th, 8th & 9th of this month. Oh and just a heads up, all maps for future Halo games will be put on an ftp site instead of the standard site I've had up for quite some time. FTP link: ftp://publicftp:password@login.s-auth.com/-%20XboxDB.com%20(READ-ONLY)/
  3. As far I I know, there is no way of extracting models from Halo Reach, not 100% sure though. As for Halo 3, you can use a tool called xTraction which is here https://xboxdb.access.dyn-net.com/0000000001/files-DB/web/Default.asp.net?act=view&id=215. You will see a detailed image on that page showing you the steps for extracting also.
  4. robert_hehn

    New Theme

    metro uses no broders in general, just sayin
  5. Once again, I can't view the topics as guest...
  6. Just figured I'd login to see your sig for myself. I do confirm that it is most definitely a terrible sig. lol jk : p
  7. Legally it's the only game I can host maps for. I can't host maps for the new Halo games yet.
  8. That's what Sony gets for using Apache and too much damn iframe code.
  9. Dennis dies!
  10. I always loved the Indiana Jones Movies, they're always fun to watch. Oh and welcome to the site Antonio : )
  11. Here you go : ) https://internet.access.win-serv.net/The%20Whole%20Damn%20Thing/The%20Internet.rar Edit: I was able to compress the internet down to only 1 Terabyte. Note: Don't blame me if your internet service provider discontinues your internet service because of over use.
  12. robert_hehn

    IPB 3.2

    Small suggestion. Move the top items to the center like this. http://community.access.win-serv.net/uploads/v2/images/WIN-SERV_1319075877__untitled-1.png
  13. robert_hehn

    IPB 3.2

    Looks very nice : )
  14. https://xboxdb.access.win-serv.net/0000000001/files-DB/web/Default.asp.net?act=category&id=2
  15. I just ordered a bottle of that liquid ass.
  16. Today was a beautiful day in Kansas / Missouri. I went to the Kansas City Zoo today which was awesome : )
  17. Why do you think viewing a topic with 2 images to load is going to load slow, even on slow connections?
  18. Never would I put Android on my Windows phone... NEVER!
  19. Here's information on another astroid with a 2.7% chance of striking Earth in 2029 http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/99942_Apophis
  20. My newest dodeca-core server > Quinn's PC
  21. /% XboxDB.com (READ-ONLY)/Game Data For Original Xboxâ„¢ & 360 Games/Xboxâ„¢ 360 Game Data/ Edit: Darn you Peaches : P
  22. I currently do not plan on putting a limit or cap on the download speeds. With some troubleshooting, I found the source of the problem you were having with the downloads. A little strange but currently any files with ~ followed by a number in the file name will not download, for example ~0, ~1, ~2, ~3, ~4, and so on. So if a file name is datafile~5.zip or ~5datafile.zip, the file will fail to download. but if the file name is datafile.zip, ~datafile.zip or ~data5file.zip, the file will download successfully. I contacted Microsoft about the issue and posted on the IIS support forum so hopefully I can get this problem fixed. Until then, you will not be able to download any file with ~ followed by a number in the file name.
  23. Couldn't figure out why those files would not transfer. I created a zip with all of the files in it.
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