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Everything posted by robert_hehn

  1. Images removed, please look below for the newer images.
  2. I just pm'd you my old account info which got its gamerscore reset. Have fun!
  3. I think we should get a reminder because last time I forgot all about it.
  4. How are you supposed to be able to boot up the game once it is on your Xbox 360 hdd?
  5. So how does someone get their rep up?
  6. Its almost time. About 1 hour.
  7. Not sure why this happens but sometimes when I rehash and resign my profile whether it be with or without editing anything my profile becomes corrupt.Then when I do random crap on my xbox and try again it works perfect, I just don't get it sometimes...
  8. Lolololololololol, sure you do.
  9. I do now.
  10. can you tell me what in the avatardata file you edited to get theose skin colors for the avatars?
  11. That is worse than dial-up.
  12. Is Boosie an alien? And if so, what planet are you from?
  13. That only happens if you rehash and resign wrong, just try using CONcept, the link I posted above.
  14. Can you tell me again when exactly you get the error because you were not that clear before. Is it before the film starts or is it 1-2 seconds after you started the film?
  15. You have to rehash & resign the film. Use this program here: http://rhv2.com/ibotmodz.net/CONcept%200.3.zip Click on Open and find your modded film and then click Rehash/Resign. After that transfer it back to your Xbox and you should be able to watch the film.
  16. Does it say its corrupt before you load the film up or does it say its corrupt once you start the film?
  17. I'm not sure what you mean when you say bungie status, but one thing for sure is that you cannot use mark 6 when modding a film or the film will be corrupt when you start it up.
  18. Holy ****! No offense but I think you may have overloaded your app. I do not think you will be getting many downloads with an aio that large.
  19. I don't believe what you are saying.
  20. He already got his gamerscore reset on his main account a little while ago, you would of thought he would of learned a lesson by now. Guess not.
  21. http://rhv2.com/ibotmodz.net/XBOXv2.png Pretty Cool B)
  22. (Removed) Google ftw : P
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