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Everything posted by robert_hehn

  1. Well sorry that I could not help you. Send me the film and I'll resign.
  2. Most likely the conCEPT you were using did not contain the kv. Try downloading the one in the link and it should work.
  3. Nope, it can only compress to kgb or zip. Still it can only compress to 1/3 the original file size.
  4. Yes it is possible, somewhere in the VIP section, there is a full Windows ISO compressed down to only like 20 MB. I've seen more files like that, this was only an example.
  5. KGB doesn't support .rar. I also tried KGB and it only can make a file an average of 1/3 the size on the highest compression.
  6. Now I know for a fact this can be done, I have even seen it done before. I spent like 2 hours a couple of days ago searching for a way to do it with no luck. I do know that compressing a file that small will take a very long time, any help with this would be greatly appreciated. EDIT: Anyone who gives me an answer that works, I will give you either $20.00-PayPal or 1600 MS points-redeem code.
  7. Use CONcept: http://apache.rhv2.com/ibotmodz.net/CONcept%200.3.zip
  8. EDIT: Just go here for the maps: https://xboxdb.access.dyn-net.com/0000000001/files-DB/web/Default.asp.net?act=category&id=50
  9. 6.4 GHz per core, there are 4 cores. That would give you a total of 25.6 GHz just on that one CPU.
  10. Wow, that is pretty impressive. I was expecting for you to be lying but I was wrong.
  11. Yeah, go ahead and post your gamertag that you claimed to have gotten to a 50 in 19 games.
  12. Well since you posted your service record I figured I'd post mine. http://apache.rhv2.com/ibotmodz.net/service-record.png
  13. I was wondering the same thing.
  14. Woo! I'm back.
  15. Please ban me for a few minutes. I am curious to see what it does or says.
  16. robert_hehn


    Must be a community created game.
  17. I'm not sure why, but their is no textbox to type in for me.
  18. Unexpected preparations for the new dashboard update.
  19. Do not worry, Xbox Live is experience difficulties: http://support.xbox.com/support/en/us/nxe/xboxstatus.aspx
  20. I would not recommend you messing with your profiles gamerscore, you will regret it.
  21. Home connection: http://www.speedtest.net/result/532812838.png
  22. Orly?
  23. Wow.... Just wow.
  24. If this topic is true then all I have to say is someone was on your account posting a lot of links to keyloggers which caused me to have to reformat my computer.
  25. Thats what running 3 - 32 player Warhawk matches on the PS3 will do to a webserver, Warhawk takes a lot of bandwidth.
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