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Dark Master

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Everything posted by Dark Master

  1. Its perfect, thanks
  2. I like it, I like it... Only thing, can you change the color scheme, maybe blue and black instead of red and black... otherwise its really good, thanks
  3. As i said i would be doing, I was working on some tutorials today and I thought I'd start off with the basics: How to Open the Xbox http://www.ibotmodz.net/phpbb3/viewtopic.php?f=35&t=1298
  4. yeah i still remember both of ya, havent been gone that long good to see at least 1 other hard modder with me... and smokiest, thanks for the sig
  5. hey guys, i know i haven't been here in awhile, and im not sure if you guys remember me much but im a serious hard modder and my xbox kinda died and im having a hard time obtaining a new one to hard mod to my likings. anyway ive learned a lot of new hard modding stuff and im trying to teach myself to soft mod (god that stuff is hard) so hopefully within the next few months i can get a least a dozen or two new fresh hard modding tutorials in our tuts section... so kinda coming back, i got a poll, hard modder or soft modder? i have a feeling i know what the result will be, but just having a little fun. -Dark Master also if anyone of you guys on gfx wants to make me a beastly sig that would be sweet, just somehow show that i like hard modding, maybe the guts of an xbox or something, thanks
  6. I speak for all the mods and admins here... Anyway recently there has been a lot of "cheating" I should say going on in the arcade. I understand there are some bugs that will allow you to get very larger amounts of gold. As of now, we are working on those... BUT until we get those fixed (hence my warning here...) Anyone that cheats there gold up in any method besides winning the game will receive a 2 Day ban And the ban will multiply for every time you cheat... Also your gold will be dropped into the negative of what you have (I.E. If you have 1,000,000 gold, it will be -1,000,000... Good luck getting out of that. So I recommend following the rules. If you want to have no life and play till you have 50,000 Gold, I'm fine with that, but don't cheat... So hence my warning here... Don't do it.
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