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Dark Master

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Everything posted by Dark Master

  1. I would hope u wouldn't care much, I'm just saying that i got out earlier, i mean we were all telling how early we got out so i shared my good news
  2. n00bs! i got out 2 weeks ago, hahahahh!!!!11!!!1!!!1!!!!1!
  3. now that would be interesting... what about like a coca-cola box...? lol
  4. found a call of duty 4 xbox for all u that play that game... http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19364-420.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19364-421.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/19364-422.jpg
  5. idk if ps3 "live" costs money or anything, or nearly as good as xbox live, but i'll let u know, when i level up with a firend in halo, ive managed to get over 2 years of free live cause of all the free offers and things u get from ms after they fix ur box. now even though a 360 breaks like ever other week, ms has a pretty good warranty cover on it, which (as i said) usually results in free live. plus the ps3 is for sheep...
  6. do i get my spot back...?
  7. frickn loser news channel "omg its so dangerous" yeah like ROTFL is bad...
  8. thats a lot of high-def tvs...
  9. i dont know if money grows on trees for you, but do u know how much cash u coulda gotten out of that?
  10. how'd u do that... i wonder what a punisher 360 would look like...?
  11. i feel lucky that i caught this
  12. edit... sorry u missed it, but u can get an invite code from me or deathgrip or someone else here with an account
  13. i dont see why u guys love smashing stuff... i mean it may look worthless, but you never know how much it might sell on ebay, or how u may want some parts later...
  14. o rly? if you were to make a "themed" 360, what would it be?
  15. know im double posting, but with good intentions... i was looking for a GOW themed xbox, so look at this: http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18815-489.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18815-490.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18815-491.jpg
  16. First off... go to http://www.swatcash.com/moreinfo (yes that link for more info...) then click sign up. Now its going to ask for real info, fake it... I know it says not to, but fake it, except for your paypal... Now make like a yahoo! email, cause you'll need one, then send the activation link there... Now once you activate your account do this: Spend you first 10 swatcash on a gun... Then do as many offers as it takes to earn $5, and yes I know it asks for real info, but u have to fake it, but use your dumb yahoo email, cause if u use your real email you'll be spammed for the rest of your life. Everytime you do an offer u also get 1 bullet. Then use that one bullet to attack daily. Once you get 10 Swatcash, buy 100 bullets from the artillery. Now just refer one person to your referral link, then your first misson will be done. Then when you go to the artillery, on the right side you can purchase real things for SC! But buy the $100 via PayPal for 125 SwatCash. Cause see, if you attack daily and get an average of 2 SC a day (you can get anywhere from 0-3 a day) that means in 5 days you'll have enough to buy another 100 bullets... so you just keep saving swatcash lets add that up 2 SC per day = 730 SC a year / 125SC = (5 x $100) = $500 a year for free! then once you have 125 SC, cash it in for real money! http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/18643-510.png Also, those are my stats after about 2 months of play! -dark master
  17. a gears of war xbox would be sweet... then i could sell it on ebay for more, than buy another 360! and by themed i mean idea... cause if i did gow i would probably add red LEDs to light it up and make it look beastly.
  18. For awhile now I've wanted to create a themed xbox 360. and i haven't modded an xbox in years, so i (hopefully) will be able to obtain a xbox 360 to mod it up... now what i really want to do is have it themed, you know? gow themed, punisher themed, FIFA themed, need for speed themed? i just wanted your opinion on what game (or thing) would make the best themed xbox 360. -dark master
  19. before i give any advice here I'll say that i've NEVER modded a PSP, i;ve modded just about anything you can guess, but a PSP, so if I'm wrong here thats why. my initial guess would be that you have to somehow extract it onto your PSP. i don't know if dark alex created an extracting software, but its like loading the firmware, but in some cases (unless dark alex built it into the software) you might have to downgrade it to a "hackable" version. i've never modded a psp before and i'll probably go look this up right know but thats my best guess..
  20. I guess you can say if this is more of a modding site, this Media section is just thrown in just in case.
  21. thanks, glad i could help
  22. someone hook me up? i've been trying to get with this site for months now!
  23. While we are all referring maybe someone wants to come sign up at http://www.swatcash.com/moreinfo Its like free cash, and i gotta refer one person. i know it ask for address and junk, just fake it and if you do it request your money through paypal...
  24. thanks, appreciate it
  25. Well, I've worked awhile on this and though you guys might find it interesting. Its a four part series I wrote about hard drives. As I write in Part I, you probably already know most of this, so look a Part IV, optimizing. It took me awhile and though you guys could benefit from it. http://aceoftech.com/2008/04/27/hard-drive...ries-the-intro/ Part I http://aceoftech.com/2008/04/29/hard-drive...he-right-drive/ Part II http://aceoftech.com/2008/05/09/hard-drive...iv-the-install/ Part III http://aceoftech.com/2008/05/30/part-iv-of...our-hard-drive/ Part IV Also, incase you were wondering, thats my site, and thats kinda the reason I haven't been active here as much. Its NOT a modding site so I'm not trying to steal you, its more "tech" and as someone put it in the cbox awhile back, I know my way around technology... I'll have to see if that post in the cbox is still there...
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