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Everything posted by sowrd

  1. ok i did not read the holl thing
  2. idk
  3. my bro think he is good with a sniper and he is 11
  4. doody
  5. that waz random
  6. i hate little kids on xbl who agrees with me
  7. sowrd


    wow is a boring game
  8. i need help with selling
  9. ok
  10. sowrd


    cant im grounded
  11. f u
  12. becouse we mod halo 3 and play halo 3
  13. that nics
  14. im master cheifhalo_3.bmp halo_3.bmp
  15. "The campaign takes place between the first and second battle of earth and there was no spartans present on earth when this happened so this campaign will only feature ODSTs as the main combat peeps. " there were three other spertens on erth at the time but left to onyx later
  16. no john waz in the ship at that time
  17. sowrd

    Run In Air

  18. sowrd

    im a newbie

    is it free?
  19. if u have pepol who keep killing u u can put then up there
  20. i read the replys be 4 i started
  21. master cheif should be in the hall of fame
  22. no
  23. the shout box is brokin
  24. in got a sony
  25. sowrd

    how to git girls

    i dont know how
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