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Everything posted by sowrd

  1. the first would be a noob section, this would be a spam filter and new guys with a post count of 0 would have to post there. this would also alow noobs to post a little about them selfs and they will not getting shit from other users. noob sec rules would be. 1. new guys with a post count of 0 have to post there. 2. other members can post there but can only welcome the new members. 3. new guys found spamming will get a chance to redeem them selfs. the second section would be a V.S debate forum. exsamples:"Chuck Norris is better then Bruce Lee." "no way, Bruce Lee kill Chuck Norris." "ya but Chuck Norris is still alive." rules 1. no flaming 2. no name callind ( a good debate dose not consist of calling there guys mom a fatty). 3. each debate will have there own debate rules set by the one who started the debate. 3.1 whoever started the debate can not debate them selfs becouse they made the rules. ALL RULES CAN CHANGE BEFORE THE SECTIONS ARE PUT INTO ACTION!!!
  2. it waz more of a story then a joke
  3. 1600 msp 12+1 month xbox live card battlestations midway axe and a modle AK-47
  4. im not going eny were http://www.trueswords.com/custom-energy-sw...que-p-4030.html <i hope i git that from "santa"
  5. hay i read at bungi.net that pics of the maps will be in decembers game informer
  6. sowrd

    Spam much?

    some one lock this topic its become a big fight
  7. you sour apple lol the video waz funny tho
  8. i worked out more and i got a katana in halo
  9. i played halo at my cosins house then i got a xbox for chrismis and h1 and h2 i played that for 2 years then i got a 360 and halo 3 and im playing that now how bout u peaches
  10. what the hell
  11. how did u become a gamer.the is for all of ibm and give a good answer
  12. more members need to post more we got like 200 pages full of members who dont have 1 post its not sereis but we need to work on it
  13. sowrd

    Halo Wars

    hay is this game 4 the pc?if it is pm me plz
  14. its in posibol to git recon so shut up
  15. sowrd

    Play Me

    the wood dose not look real and the gittur all to gether look good
  16. that is vary cool im downloading it now
  17. sowrd

    Avatar 360

    thats odd it wont work 4 me
  18. sowrd

    Avatar 360

    um ur link to the download dose not work
  19. sowrd

    Xbox Handheld?

    i did that and it led me in circls
  20. thats what im thinking dose he even know how to mod
  21. that cool man but u could have made it a better tut
  22. the mods waz not not that createv but the video waz good better then a picher
  23. sowrd

    Xbox Handheld?

    hay i herd that a xbox handhald waz relest in jappan is this true. can some one prove or disprove this?
  24. ya we do need to do that like we did in h2 and h1 ps by we i mean moders
  25. about 1.69 in VA
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