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Everything posted by sowrd

  1. halo wars looks very good. and the halo 3 myth map pack look good
  2. i dont suck at halo so i dont need it sry
  3. it look good but i not going to download it becouse im not gong to mod that much
  4. put the tut on youtube i dont wont to read this holl thing
  5. good tut but the music SUCKS good tut tho
  6. thats how i roll that is the s***
  7. i dont have a alarm i just here my mom screming at me 4 staying up all night
  8. wen u join xbl they give 1 free month so just do that
  9. thats bs stop ing
  10. if u have chuck norris jokes reply chuck norris visted the virgen ilands now they are the ilands if u can see chuck norris he can see u if u cant see chuck norris prepere to die jesus can walk on watter but chuck norris can swim thow land
  11. u are a little kid so dont git xbl
  12. sowrd

    Hi I'm new :D

    welcome to ibotmoz now go away!!!! jk lol hop u have a good time
  13. halo look the best new play list and ranks
  14. sowrd

    Planet Zero

    dude thas freken sweet how did u do that
  15. paste inserte i think
  16. time to go in the cryo toob lolz
  17. that is by far the worst tut iv ever seen
  18. sowrd


    recon is not the best. mark 5 is the best
  19. if u have 5$ and chuck norris haz 5$. chuck norris haz more money then u
  20. altho i have 30 post. i never post befor this site
  21. good post. i needed some help with posting
  22. 1547
  23. i need how to chang the collor of a halo 3 map plz
  24. sowrd

    Zombie mod

    im not good at moding h2 but im working on a h3 moded map 3 zombies
  25. i rather have it work then it looking nice but i got the achievments so i dont need a moding program
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