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Everything posted by sowrd

  1. ya my mom going to stay up till 12:00am at the mall
  2. thanks and u 2 p.s i told my cosin
  3. y dose evey one wunt to sell or trade there acount
  4. that waz vary gay and porly made
  5. thanks peaches
  6. hay eny one know how to put a chat on a websit plz help
  7. sowrd

    Halo Pc Modz

    eny one hav a good halo pc moded map id like it to be on blood gulch
  8. sowrd


    they r so gay y did ms do this s*** to me
  9. 1753
  10. sowrd

    Nxe Vs Old Blades

    i dont like the nxe its to kidish the blades r simple and the aviters r like the wii
  11. 360 gits 5/5 stars ps3 gits 4/5 and wii sucks it git a -1/5. btw that video waz byist and it dose'nt have all the facts a 360 haz 3 usb ports
  12. sowrd

    6000 Members

    i havint ben on 4 along time so that y i did not noticed
  13. if they made it like that then evey one would be looking at it and not the game
  14. i got a 360 its a lot better
  15. wow thats worth a lot i m going to see my websit
  16. im on all the time playing halo 3. halo 4ever
  17. no no no it looks like a @$#%!$ is sticking out of it
  18. ill do it but u can send me a frendz request right now just send me a mesg and ill send u a frendz request my GT is xIGPx sword
  19. sowrd

    Dev Mods

    that is so fake butt if it waz real it would be cool p.s next time make it a download
  20. lol that tank looks like a @$#%!$ on weels
  21. i gots a blackberry it is a very nice
  22. that looks cool bungie shud hav put that in halo 3 maybe sume one should mod a map like that
  23. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xwBK31tC5QM
  24. sowrd

    Ban him

    hay dont banned me thats not cool if u wunt to banned some one banned iliketurtles he keps saying @$#%!$ and puting porn in the shoutboxs
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