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Everything posted by crazyeightz

  1. i understand that. this site just is not what it used to be i guess. i did check to see how many users were active in the last hour when i posted that and there were sixty. i just dont feel this site had that magic it used to have
  2. make people feel welcome to the site, i have been on for at least five minutes posted in the chat box twice with no reply. you want people to spend more time on the site? get them talking in the chat box, get topics going places that mean something to a wide variety of people. if you want people to spend time here you gotta occupy their time here. give them something to do.
  3. somebody say somethin bout old fags?
  4. VANCOUVER, CANADA (BNO NEWS) ââ¬â Canadian scientists on Wednesday said they have achieved an unprecedented breakthrough in breast cancer research, opening new doors to new breast cancer treatment targets and therapies. For the first time ever, scientists at the B.C. Cancer Agency were able to decode all of the three billion letters in the DNA sequence of a metastatic lobular breast cancer tumor, a type of breast cancer which accounts for about 10 percent of all breast cancer cases. The scientists were able to find all the mutations, or ââ¬Åspellingââ¬Â mistakes that caused the cancer to spread further. Read more: http://www.thaindian.com/newsportal/health/canadian-scientists-major-breakthrough-in-cancer-research_100257508.html#ixzz0TMN99OPo
  5. you should post more than just a link. i can hardly get anywhere on the net at school. its a miracle that IBM is not blocked.
  6. i know how KD feels. ne and him are in the same slow slow slow slow boat.
  7. my 8 kb download and 12 upload. dam dial up
  8. # sent
  9. crazyeightz


    what would be your least favorite way to die? what would be your favorite? i would hate to drown or suffocate. just the thought of not being able to breath is horrible. my favorite way to die probably would be some sort of biological experiment or something. as long as i am helping better manking
  10. i got the rocker. i like it. better than my old phonre thats for dam sure. haha but sasktell blows
  11. i am asthmatic and allergic to almonds. haha we went on a class canoe trip a couple weeks ago and my friend brought protien bars. so the first morning i get up and grab one and take a bite and read the label. the last thing on the list of ingrediants was almond butter. it totally freaked me out, i slammed back two reactine but still broke out. a very not fun day. but at least i can laugh about it hahaha haha and a little off topic but dam i feel kinda old on this website. approaching two years in october.
  12. it will be the tax payers money paying for it. i live in Canada so free health care which is awesome. i dont know to much about whats going on tho in the American Reform though. any care to give me a detailed explaination?
  13. definately both for me. i am out late and up early. i dont need much sleep at all to get me fully rested so its all good. i definately am not scary.
  14. hmm. well the halo theme is kind of the IBM signature isnt it? is that not what this site started out as? a halo 2 modding site. so what if thats not what we are all about now. so what if we do other things? we started at modding halo and no matter what the site changes to that is where we came from. those are our roots. and where are we without our roots? we dont have an identity. what is a tree without roots? dead. i say halo theme
  15. okay. if you are going to go with a halo theme then. 10-grunt 20-jackal 50-UNSC Marine 100-Brute 250-Elite 500-Hunter 750-Elite honor guard 1000-ODST(VIP? maybe) i dont know they are just ideas that came to my head.
  16. I am liking IPB3, there really is nothing i can say that has not been previously stated but i figured i would put my opinion out there anyways. looks great
  17. a teachers involvement in a students life. how much should a teacher be involved in a students life? how much should they be allowed to be involved? what is the limit? should teachers be allowed to push themselves into students lives should they be allowed to even punish students. what do you guys think? (not as in a relationship)
  18. where did you copy and paste this from? no offence meant
  19. hmm hahah gees this is pretty great! definatly worth trying i think. i would hate the spam tho. (by the way.. POST 300 HUNDRED!!!!!!)
  20. mythbusters x-play ep daily ufc family guy
  21. see yah lol. i honestly have had nothing to do with any of this but i just thought i would say good bye
  22. wow so much for trying to be organized with these debates.. i think there is each persons right to choose. alot of people cant support a child, there only option is to have an abortion how could you raise a kid if you are living on the street? nine times out of ten i bet the child ends up in an orphanage.
  23. really great idea, i would chip in something in the way of prizes. the pay for vip i dont really like at all.
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