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Everything posted by Ar7ific1al

  1. Ah, I see. Easy stuff with Photoshop. With photoshop, click the text tool, and click somewhere on the image, type, and go to your layers pane, right click the text layer, and go to blending options. Check the box that says Bevel and Emboss, play around with those settings =) I love the effect of the bevel and emboss lol
  2. 4 words: omfg lol those last 2 pics o.o; wow... damn... that's uhhh... ugly lol
  3. what you mean, glossy/bubble effect? lol are you workin on that image, or is it something that's already been made, and you just wanna know how to make something look like that?
  4. Yes, hopefully lol cuz I really need the help with my mod =P anyone else willing to help?? EDIT: Hey Peach, I'm gonna go ahead and post pics of what's done so far. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8816-564.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8816-565.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8816-566.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8816-567.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8816-568.jpg There's all the pics I got so far =P If I get anything else done, I'll take more pics
  5. Well, Peach, and anyone else who wants to help out with the mod, I have a patch download, tell me if you want it so you can help out, and I'll PM it to ya.
  6. yes, hopefully, someone will offer to take a shot. I need a siggy lol
  7. Hey, guys, I need a sig and avatar lol. I took some pics in H2 to use in the sig/avatar. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8774-569.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8774-570.jpg http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/8774-571.jpg I prefer the last one, the one with my dude holdin the BR down on top of the sea wall lol. Color specifications would have to be black and red =) and could I get my name on the image, with a super kick ass font, and sorta glowing yellow? lol I could do all this myself, but I'm not that great in Photoshop, not to mention, the pen for my tablet broke ages ago ÃâïvÃâï thanks to any who give my sig/avatar a shot =D oh, yes, and I took these pics on my to-be Zanzibar mod lol I would have done the Needler, but nah...
  8. Yeah, man, I'm just a little impatient right now, sorry lol but yes, whatever format drive option you've found, do that to the F drive... I'm out, man, see you guys later...
  9. Jesus, dude... read a bit lol what for dashboard do you use? Look, just hit that format drive option you found, okay? I'm tired of sitting here in this topic, sayin the same things over and over and over...
  10. I don't know, I don't use UX anymore. If you it says format in the menu when you hilight the F drive and hit the white button, then do it.
  11. Calm down, dude lol be patient. I don't use UnleashX as my dash anymore, so don't get frustrated, as I don't remember where everything is. From the main menu (where you have shut down, reboot, file explorer, etc.) go to the one where you can change the settings and skin and stuff, it's in there. lol
  12. No, when you go to the format option under the settings on UnleashX, it will have a list of all the drives to format. The Xbox HDD is set up in partitions, each partition being a different drive letter: E, F, and G are the ones you use for things like emulators, games, etc. Just go into the settings of UnleashX and scroll down until you see "Format" or "Format Menu," depends on your UnleashX version. Select the F drive or G drive, hit YES, and it will now be available to use. But just make sure you don't accidentally hit C or E =P Oh, and a couple earlier versions ask for a username and password when you click Format Menu, if yours does that, just hit xbox for both, I believe that's it.
  13. That's... exactly what I do, wam. lol That's actually the best way to do it. Hey Logan, go into the UnleashX settings, and find the settings to enable or disable the F and G drive. Make sure the F or G drive is enabled (just one, since you can only use one of them). Then, go to the file explorer, and if it doesn't say any numbers next to whichever drive you enabled, then it needs to be formated. Numbers, like what you see next to the E and C drives, the ones that tell you how much space is left on the drive. If there's not any next to F or G, format that drive. JUST THE F/G DRIVE lol. Be careful.
  14. okay, my friend... What you gotta do is copy Halo 2 to your HDD. Make a "games" folder in the F/G drive, if you have it, or in the E drive. Create another folder called Halo 2. You don't need the bink folder. Everything else, you need. If you don't intend to mod campaign maps, I suggest not copying over the campaign maps. Don't forget the font foler in the maps directory. Definitely do not forget the media folder. Then when you patch your map on the PC, just FTP it into the E:gamesHalo 2maps directory, or if you used G or F, put it in the Halo 2 maps folder under G:gamesHalo 2maps or F:gamesHalo 2maps. Hope you can follow my simple directions
  15. DO NOT delete ANYTHING from the C directory XD I highly advise against it =P You never know what could happen. If you need space, it depends on what portion of the HDD you need space. Can you use the F or G drive? If not, you need to use your UnleashX dashboard, go to settings, and format, then format F or G. Hit yes when it asks if you're sure you want to format drive whatever. It gives you an extra 2 gigs =P If you need space on your E drive, delete things you don't need, for example if you have emulators, delete any roms you don't use. Delete anything you don't use. If you don't know what it is, it's best not to bother with it.
  16. lol I see. I figured that was an error =P I don't like XBC, you apparently have to forward ports or some crap to play. And it's not as user friendly as XLink is =D lol If you're too busy, we can do it later, doesn't have to be right now. Just whenever, I guess. I'm gonna be on XLink probably almost all day. So if you get the chance today, check the H2 game arena, I may have my own arena.
  17. ICMP? Don't think I've seen that tag before >.> lol I've placed new spawns on the map before, it just doesn't always work very well =P Peach, you have XLink, don't you? If you do, gimme your XTag, mine's |NH|Ar7ific1al. I can upload a patch of the Zanzibar mod I've done thus far, and we can meet up on XLink and I can show ya what I wanna do for the mod =P
  18. Hey guys, thanks for the offers. Seeing as how I have a new PC, like I said before, I can do a LOT more! I just did my first SP -> MP conversion! =D My next mod is already under way xD But yes, I DO need a skinner, definitely. All I can do since the pen broke for my tablet, is select things usin the magnetic lasso tool, and use the hue and saturation thing in Photoshop lmao I can't do anything anymore because my pen broke D= I'm not sure if I need a modeler just yet =P but I do know I need some help with uhhhh placing things on the map the way I want them to go =P I duplicated the BR and Carbine, and I'm going to edit them so they're alternate versions of the BR and Carbine. But, I'm gonna leave the original BR and Carbine on the map. I know how to edit the BR and Carbine alternates to be how I want them to be, I just need to learn how to place things on the map properly, so like it's not gonna fall out of the sky when it spawns lol I'm fresh and new to the whole placing spawns and moving spawns and such. Back on the topic... Peaches, how good are your skinning skills? =D and clickboom, how good are you? Any uh examples? =P
  19. Hey guys, I know it's been a long time since I've been in the modding scene. A loooong time ago, I started a Zanzibar mod. I now have a new computer. What does that mean? It means my mods won't suck as much! lol Yes, I said it. I admit it, my previous mods sucked because they were all just shader and projectile swap mods with minor skins here and there. This time around, I need people to help me get my mod out of the water. It's a Zanzibar mod, like I said before. If you want to help me, here's what I need to get done: Models: possibly, I've already got a Needler model modded up Skins: definitely! the map, mainly! the map is supposed to look like it's coated in snow Testers: I need testers to help test it on XLink once finished, and I also need a few beta testers =) so far, the majority of what I've got in the map works perfect, but there's a few errors and such Help with: plasma grenade D= I seem to have broken it lol there's not a detonation effect or sound... If any of you can help me out, PM me or post here. If you WILL help me, PM me and I'll upload a patch and give you the link to download. Any and all help appreciated.
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