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Everything posted by Ar7ific1al
If I knew why it wouldn't work, I wouldn't be havin the issue, most likely =P And it doesn't matter if it loads on the Xbox or not, I won't be able to place these items where I want them lol
I usually use 1.4, cuz it lets you internalize bitmaps. It's the ONLY version that lets you do so. I have 1.1, 1.3, 1.4, and 1.6, though. I believe I tried using 1.3, as well, which is supposedly the least buggy version of them all.
Yeah, I said duplicating anything screws over the map, I can't duplicate any tags, be it recursive or not. =P That means I can't duplicate ITMC tags, WEAP tags, nothing. Btw, that post says nothin about Glitchy's chunk cloner. Also, I have Gltichy's chunk cloner, I believe. But ummm... All it has is... a File menu, which only has "Open" and "Exit" as options, and it has 5 item boxes: tag (bipd, bitm, etc.), one that says "Item(s) Spawned," an "Offset" box, "Size" box, and a box that has whatever's in the tag, like the ITMC has all the weapons and powerups, etc. that spawn on the map. I dunno what I'm supposed to do lol
Hey, Peach, or anyone else that still mods and knows how lol I have quite a large problem. In my above post, I stated that I wanted to add a few new weapons to the map, such as different versions of the Needler, Battle Rifle, etc. Unfortunately, for some reason, any time I duplicate an ITMC or ANYTHING else, it screws up the SBSP. Let's say I duplicate the Sniper Rifle Ammo ITMC tag so I can spawn some Needler ammo on the map. I select it, right click, click "Duplicate," and wait for it to pop up and say "Done!" If I go down and click on the SPSP tag and select the SBSP, then go to the BSP viewer, it gives a nice, big error. "Unable to read beyond the end of the stream." If I don't duplicate anything, it's fine. Sooo unless there's a way to figure out what's causing it and/or fix it, the mod won't go any further and will be considered "done." I really want to spawn a couple Carbines, Needlers with a different skin and projectile explosion effects, auto, scopeless Battle Rifles, and 2 different kinds of Needler ammo, one for the old and one for the new. But since this error is givin me problems, I can't go any further. I can't duplicate any weapons, so swapping the dependency of an ITMC tag is out of the picture, and I can't duplicate an ITMC, either, so I'm screwed.
Okay, then. Monday it is =P Hopefully, there will be less happening in the modding community members' lives during the summer as far as school goes, so it might be easier to get help, support, etc. lol During the time I have between now and Monday, I'll work on making a few different versions of certain weapons. I'm workin on a new Needler right now, but I have to take care of some household chores before I continue... I'm off to do that now so I can do what I want to do lol
Hey Peaches, when can you test on XLink? I'm pretty much done with it, I just need to change the Warthog's ground friction a tad, skin the Sniper Rifle, reskin the Needler and Plasma Pistol, then we're good to go.
really? you can MAKE ITMC spawns in the BSP Viewer for UE 1.6?? Great! =D lol When we're all done with this, I'll make sure to contact you, Peach =) Back to the ITMC Spawns with 1.6 BSP viewer... how do you do that? o.o; I wasn't aware that such a thing existed for Halo 2 xD I know you can duplicate spawns and such with Sparkedit for Halo 1, but I had no clue you could do anything even close to that for Halo 2 without having to do a lot of difficult manual crap! lol
Sorry bout the double post here, but no one has replied and I have a big problem that's drivin me crazy X_X I'm trying to recursively duplicate the Carbine so I can make a fully auto one without over-riding the semi-auto one, but it breaks the idents EVERY time! I can duplicate the BR recursively just fine, no issues, no errors, no broken idents, it's perfect. Help?? lol EDIT: Also, how in the world do you use the chunk cloner of the new versions? o.o; I can only use the alpha 1.1 chunk cloner XD I wanna use the new one so I can add new weapon spawns to the map. With alpha 1.1, it adds itmc, which is what I need, but there's just one problem: I also want to spawn new blocs, and I dunno if you can even add new blocs to the scenario with 1.1 alpha.
Yeah, thanks for the offer, man, but I don't have Live! and I never have, so I can't be there lol I'll only test it on XLink. Sorry =P Today, what I plan on doing, is messin with the Needler, maybe tone down the ROF a bit. I also plan on tinkering with the skin, I'm not so sure I like how it looks atm. I swapped the sky with the sky from Containment. Before, with the original Coagulation sky, it wasn't really bright, and now it is, I rather like it. It adds sort of a uhh... it adds quite an icy feel to the map =D that's what I want lol I would also like to place a few things from other maps, such as covenant weapon crates, minus the weapons, packing crates, and maybe a few power modules from Containment, Lockout, and Zanzibar. And maybe a few Covenant batteries. My luck with that, however, is not very good lol I'll make a backup of the map, then I'll try it out.
Hellooo, guys of iBotModz lol I've been workin all day on a nice Coagulation skin, and although people may be getting tired of maps that are "snow" or "ice" skinned, I am not lol I've always loved them, and that's what my Coagulation skin is. =) I won't post any pics yet, because I'm still contemplating whether I like it like this or not. I am definitely wanting to test this with some of you guys on XLink Kai if you can. Also, when it is done, I need to find someone that has a capture card so we can record maybe 5 or so minutes of gameplay on the map and show off the main points of the skin and/or mod. I may not be releasing and pics as of yet, but I will release a bit of info as far as mods to the weapons, vehicles, etc. So, here goes. What's Been Done VEHICLES Wraith: Swapped MP mortar turret with SP mortar turret, skinned Ghost: Changed boost contrail colors, skin Warthog: Skinned Spectre: Changed boost contrail colors, skinned Scorpion: Skinned (except for the guts) Banshee: Changed boost contrail colors, skinned WEAPONS Magnum: Skinned Plasma Pistol: Skinned Needler: Skinned, no longer dual wield, higher ROF, much weaker to tone it down with the high ROF Battle Rifle: Skinned Covenant Carbine: Skinned, switch visible without reload Plasma Rifle: Skinned Brute Plasma Rifle: Changed projectile contrail colors, skinned SMG: Absolutely nothing Sniper Rifle: Absolutely nothing Particle Beam Rifle: Changed projectile contrail colors, skinned Rocket Launcher: Skinned Brute Shot: Skinned Sentinel Beam: Skinned To Do VEHICLES Warthog: Lower ground friction, very easy to do WEAPONS Plasma Pistol: Change projectile and light color (don't know how to do it my self lol) Needler: Change fire effect color and the color around the needle projectiles (how to do it?) SMG: Change into scope-less, fully auto Battle Rifle Sentinel Beam: Change projectile and/or contrail colors If anyone here at iBotModz can help me with the things I can't do myself, and can help me test it for SLC, please contact me. If you would like to be part of my beta testing squad for XLink, please PM me. Or if you would just like to come along for the ride to get a sneak peek at the mod, please PM me. If you plan on playing on XLink, PM me your XLink X-Tag. My current X-Tag is Ar7ific1al, same as it is on here. If you have a capture card and are willing to capture some gameplay for me when it's all said and done and/or for the beta, please, feel free to PM me with your XLink X-Tag. Thanks in advance, Ar7ific1al
=o Thanks, Peach! lol
For the longest time, the website where all of XZodia's and other peoples' plugins are stored has been down... It sucks, a lot. I could use a lot of the new plugins, and I can't get them because http://plugins.pheonic.co.uk has been down for AGES! Also, if anyone can tell me, apparently, you can swap string IDs in H2x or another program to use the Heretic Banshee in MP. Over at HaloMods, they said there's a plugin for it, but I can't find it, and the link they provide gives me a big fat ERROR, as usual lol If you can do this with Entity, please tell me how. Thanks =)
Okay, I see... sooo... if I just use Guerilla and H2Core to do an SP->MP BSP conversion, and rebuilt it over the original BSP, do I need to null sound environment (SNDE) and loop sounds (lsnd)?
Yeah, I'd um.. rather not XD I already have a BSP conversion, it's delta approach bsp 00 lol I'm using the second part of it, the part where you have to activate the bridge and cross the chasm =P it took THREE hours to get it to convert xD the tut said it would take anywhere from 25 minutes to an hour and thirty minutes I think XD don't remember, but now that I have one done, I can do more =) oh, hey Peaches, in the tut, it said when you rebuild the BSP into the map, to go into the scenario tag, go to the dependencies view, and null all loop sounds and.... and.... another type of sound, because it would make the map freeze, is this really a big deal? Does it really freeze the map? lol I just did it and didn't worry about it >.> Also, peach, if I check the weapons box before hitting rebuild, will that over write the entire weapon set of the MP map and use only what's in the SP map, or will it add any weapon that's not in the MP map, leaving everything else as it was? lol I have a lot of questions about rebuilding SBSPs, trust me, I could go on for at least an hour with my questions
Hey, guys, I have sort of an update on my mod. Seeing as how I can do nothing about the trees (damn those trees....) on Zanzibar, I'm most likely going to have to do it on a different map. It really sucks. I've gotten so far with this mod, and all I need to do is skin a few things, edit some effects, edit some SBSP materials, etc, and I would be done, but the trees aren't able to be removed. I'm gonna have to start all over again (except for the needler model I made) on everything. I still want to keep the same theme: abandoned Antarctic research facility rediscovered by the Covenant Elites and turned into a breeding ground for creating an army. That's my theme. I want to stick to it. Nothing else. I need fresh ideas, people, give me some maps I could use to better this mod that do not have trees that can't be removed lol and preferably, no water... Thank you all. EDIT!!: also, I've decided: it does NOT have to be Antarctic, it could be like.. in the middle of a desert somewhere, or on an island... etc, as long as I can stick to the theme.... and as long as it has great possibilities.
I kind of figured as much. One or two of the trees are actually SCENERY, and not physically part of the SPSP lol it's... retarded, if you ask me =P I certainly don't want to start all over on a different map because of the trees lol I started a test on Coagulation, though. I got my Warthog to slide PERFECT, as if it were really on ice! lol and I messed around with the skin a good bit, just to see, you know, what I should do to make the Facility (hex edited internal map name of my Zanzibar mod) skin better... I extracted the grass, grass detail, coag ground, cliffs, land slide, and cliffs top and opened them all in Photoshop 7.0 and just edited the hue/saturation, brought the lightness up all the way, then picked a perfect, very light sky blue tint, and painted it over with the paint bucked xP what would happen if I got rid of the bump maps? O.o would it be like... flat? smooth? lol that would be strange to have the dirt not look like... well, dirt! lol Anyways, Coag is really bright right now ̡̉_̡̉ and I changed the footsteps of grass and dirt to that of marble (used by the ice, I found, and also by glass) and I also changed the jumping sounds, it sounds great, just like ice! lol haven't tested with the elite, yet, though, I'll do that later. If anyone has any ideas as far as makin the trees at least not visible, tell me, please! lol (don't tell me to null the shaders, I tried to null shaders, collision models, and models from everything linked to trees, and they all remained visible, with collision) I'm gonna get back to experimenting and testing with new things, I got a clip of a SBSP entity plugin someone is researching, somethin about SBSP surface material responses =P gonna give that a shot. Later, people!
Yeah, I know how to use the BSP viewer =P it doesn't allow you to select the trees, certain concrete chunks, or any of the rocks. I used a program called "BSP Scenery Mover" or somethin like that, but it doesn't let you do anything but move it, so I moved it all under the map (lol) and when I loaded it, it froze! XD So yeah, those are both ruled out.
yes, I have the updated plugins (I have all of the latest plugins) but the latest plugins don't display the correct bitmasks. Well, it does, but they're not named the same, so I have absolutely NO CLUE what to check XD
Hey guys, this is SO damn aggravating... I have NEVER been this pissed over something going wrong XD I wanna play with some ragdoll mods, so I decided I'd make my own. The tutorial is so friggin simple, a new born could do it! lol Well, not if your entity is bullshittin you lol earlier, I checked the proper ragdoll bitmask boxes, hit save, and it check RANDOM BOXES then saved! I made this vid of it usin some random screencap software I downloaded lol http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-1vbmV9FZMI
Yeah, I know, I like 'em too. I'll have to edit that zanzibar mod later, I'm super busy right now, working on my other mod... sorry lol
lol Smokie =P I have put 2 mods on iBotModz before, one was a Zanzibar mod with a sky, lightmap, and biped mods. It was flood elites vs. flood humans (no AI though) and the other one was a stupid shader and projectile swap mod that everyone hated because "shader swaps are old" lol it's not my fault I haven't been modding as long as them =P but yeah, if you want me to give you the zanzibar mod, tell me, I still have the patch, I just need to edit a few things first.
Okay, guys, I really need some help here lol I have plenty of stuff I need to do, and I have a lot of crap to add to the map and spawn. I need some help with getting everything into the map and not have it FREEZE when it loads. I placed everything where I wanted it, but when I loaded the map, it froze lol I need any and all help I can get! If you know how to put new items in the map from other maps and spawn them without the map freezing on load, PLEASE, I need you lol if I'm not online and anyone needs to find me, most likely, I'll be online playing H2 on XLink Kai, my username is Ar7ific1al, and chances are, I'll have my own arena in North American Halo 2 arena.
...I never thought about that... Damn lol thanks =P it sounds logical, it should work.
Glad to help my friend. I know everything I know about Photoshop cuz my mom showed it all to me XD she's an artist, and makes stuff on the computer and sells it on greeting cards and stuff over the internet =P
Is there a way to get rid of the water on Zanzibar? I need to do so in order to continue with my mod. Also, I'm having trouble with nulling out the trees, grass, and other plant life scenery. I nulled shaders, models, collision models, and everything from the scenery tags, and from HLMT tags, but still the trees are solid, have collision, are visible, and the grass, bushes, etc. are still there! lol
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