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Everything posted by DarkRuler

  1. you could have 2 versions one thats just a like how it is now and another for paying customers that has extra features
  2. I think it should be made free, it would probably be used over all others and it would definitely benefit the modding community then add in extras for it that would cost people money
  3. yeah I did and I still stand by my statement one thing I did notice with the program which was really annoying was that it would tell me the size of the folder itself, and it didn't include any of its contents, so it said that the folder's size was 0 bytes, which was annoying when I wanted to sort by size yes it is a good program, but it just seems like an AIO. You can still find many other programs that are completely free that will do much of the same things (like the programs GruntMods mentioned) and, for me, I won't be using my 360 HDD to mod anymore unless theres a new transfer cable for the 360 S's hdds
  4. its pretty much because he can and some people are stupid enough to pay when there are hundreds of FREE programs that do the exact same thing
  5. I still don't get how you can play FPSs using Kinect because if you turn you head then your just going to see a wall, not another screen
  6. lol they probably are forgable, but remember coagulation? that was 2 stories so the bases are supposed to be bigger, just part of it is buried
  7. Wow! Thats ******* bullshit and tomorrow is when Gamestop will hopefully have the 360s in stock for me to get them Bungie knew I wouldn't be able to get on H3 today to get my FIRE!!!
  8. actually thats blue base if you look at the Coag Overview, that hill with the trees is actually the roof of the Blue Cove theres just an optical illusion of the side that Sarge is on to the other side, you have to look closely
  9. http://img293.imageshack.us/img293/2407/oldcoag.png Old Overview of Coagulation from Halo 2 http://img696.imageshack.us/img696/4080/redbase.png Red Base http://img62.imageshack.us/img62/3802/redteleporter.png Red Base Teleporter http://img337.imageshack.us/img337/1903/redtoblue.png Viewing Map from Red Side http://img143.imageshack.us/img143/9731/centerfacingredbase.png Viewing Red Base from Center http://img46.imageshack.us/img46/3619/hillnexttocaveridge.png Next to Hill that is next to Cave Ridge http://img818.imageshack.us/img818/4142/smallcaveundercaveridge.png Small Cave under Cave Ridge http://img411.imageshack.us/img411/9740/insidecavesupper.png Inside Caves http://img84.imageshack.us/img84/9501/insidecaveslower.png Inside Caves again but lower http://img257.imageshack.us/img257/4926/blueteleporter.png In front of Blue Base, Blue Teleporter in background http://img708.imageshack.us/img708/9630/towardsbluebase.png In front of Blue Base http://img687.imageshack.us/img687/5521/bluebase.png Blue Base http://img692.imageshack.us/img692/7141/rockridge.png Going up Rock Ridge towards Blue base http://img823.imageshack.us/img823/407/outsidefacingrocks.png Outside of map, facing Rocks http://img706.imageshack.us/img706/6090/outsidefacingbluebase.png Outside of map, facing Blue Base
  10. Gamestop - Pre-Order 1. Recon http://www.bungie.net/images/News/Inline10/061110/recon.jpg 2. UA Multi-Threat MJOLNIR Mark V(B) Armor http://media.rundlc.com/editorial/2010/07/HaloArm33.jpg Limited Edition 1. Elite Honor Guard Armor http://www.bungie.net/images/News/Inline10/042310/limited.jpg Legendary Edition 1. Spartan Flaming Helmet armor effect http://www.bungie.net/images/News/Inline10/042310/legendary.jpg Other 1. Reach Level 50 in Halo Waypoint 2. Play Halo 2 online before April 14, 2010 3. Have a Halo PC product key that is real older than April 2010
  11. you don't seem to want it badly by any chance?
  12. DarkRuler


    I got to about 13 pages, lol and Jester (17) even after he found out that the kvs the kid paid for about $200 were both banned he was still asking for nude pics of the kid and the kid got pics of jester the internetz is full of crazy shit ----------------------------- lol, my post got edited because I pulled info from that
  13. hate gamestop and their shipping system
  14. lol at dead link I love when people think alternating caps in their name makes them cool
  15. don't you remember? it was the giant magical unicorn that created the universe and his name was Bob
  16. thats exactly what I believe, lol I never knew it had a specific name though I always think of it as some guy just watching tv, doesn't do anything to the show, just enjoys it but what I also believe in is the supernatural, yeah there's a lot of bs on the TV about it, but Ive had my own encounters with that side of things
  17. no MS points but it shows up on the dashboard and it isn't a "once per xbox" thing Ive done it before with my account and I have seen it show up multiple times on the dashboard but activates auto-renewal so its good to end the membership before the month is up or you will be charged the normal rate of $8 a month
  18. you can get a month for $1 on the dashboard
  19. there are so many better games than what they listed but here are mine- 1. Halo Series 2. Elder Scrolls Series 3. Fallout 3 4. Doom 3 5. GTA4 -------------------------- Heres an easy way to see that whoever made this is full of bs, read the description for Super Smash Bros. Melee
  20. Its been about a month though this better stop soon, I want to get that new Horizon update
  21. yeah, that does suck I was hoping to get a few more too
  22. This, as of now, no longer works When I called last week to try and get my final BFBC2 to keep I was told that I had to write my name and reference number on the disc then on Monday I got this- I responded by tying to sound like a pissed off customer and complaining about how I don't want to pay for shipping because it was a screw up by EA. I also said that I already proved I owned the game because I wrote my name on the disc with my name and Ref number and I don't have the receipt because I got the Mercs 2 for my B-Day and then I got this- so they won't send me my BFBC2, so that sucks, **** EA --------------------------------------------------------------------------- Also, this part is a little strange The day right after this was posted was the same day that EA changed their policy then after Cheese Puff said that he would offer services of taking pics of the game was when they changed their policy for you to ship the game to them so just something to think about....
  23. damn, I don't live near Arizona, California or Colorado
  24. I could Also to anyone else, I will do it for them if they ask and give rep you could pm me if you want, I have skype and MSN
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