It sucks to be you. Don't worry in about 4 months I'll be even more sicker than you. On my birthday. I always get the flu/nemonia..IDK how to spell it, when you have fluid in your lungs. So happy birthday to me. Good luck being sick and all.
You honestly have nothing else to do? If I had as much free time as you do, I'd prolly spend it touching myself or something.
I'd love to add you cause it seems you love to just mess around to see what you could find, but I don't have the attention span and If I leave, you'd have to start over :/
I like what McCain has packing, but if I could vote it would be for obama cause running mates are make or break for me. Personally, I don't think Palin has the experience to go from Govenor of ALASKA to VICE PRESIDENT of the united states.
So yeah....let me be the face of iBM here and say welcome, and enjoy your stay. Hopefully you find everything to your liking, if you have and problems you can pm me. Oh yeah, and I almost forgot. Go Die.
Me, slipstream and shrimpie did this earlier tonight. It was cool, if you kill him, and dont have any weapons near him, he will keep spawning infinate splazers.