A man was looking for a cheap prostitute in a brothel. He went up to the pimp, and asked him what he had. The pimp showed him a blonde ***** for $50, but she was far too expensive. The pimp then showed him a brunette for $10, but she was also too expensive. Finally the pimp showed him a ***** for $1, who happened to have her legs open ready. The man agreed, but the pimp said he must wear a black condom. So the man wore the condom and bonked his heart out and had the time of his life. He enjoyed it so much he went back the next day for the same $1 *****, and again had to wear a black condom. Again the prostitute had her legs open ready. When he went the day after, he asked the pimp why he must wear a black condom? The pimp told him "To show respect for the dead."
So there were these two boys wandering around the woods in there backyards looking for a place to find a fort. They were walking when they heard the sound of a gentle stream. They walked closer and saw a woman naked bathing in the stream. So all of a sudden one of the boys takes off and sprints away. The second boy decides to follow his friend. When he caught him he asked why he bolted and he said. "My mommy always tells me if i spy or see a naked woman that i would turn to stone." His friend replied "Thats stupid...she made all of that up" The first boy said "I dunno I felt something get hard so I ran away"
40% scored higher (more nerdy), 1% scored the same, and 59% scored lower (less nerdy). What does this mean? Your nerdiness is: Somewhat nerdy. I mean face it, you are nerdier than about half the test takers.