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Everything posted by Dataanti

  1. Dataanti

    It was fun.

    BUMp whats up peoples, long time no seeee
  2. http://visualflex.net/gigagon/amd/980304_presario_2240.jpg
  3. Dataanti

    It was fun.

    pft i haven't visited since... well i dunno XD i guess not that long ago cause... i made my avatar my death photo o_o still hard to believe its been around 5 and a half years since i joined, it was because of modders in halo 2 i first became interested but i was a bit to young to follow the tutorials properly so i ended up waiting till i started seeing halo 3 mods and i got my self one of those Xsata things i think they where called and took part in small little map mods :3 i felt so accomplished X3, and then it was screen shot modding and i remember one of the screen shots was just a silly little edit of a real one and i just told people it was an easter egg and it was not caught until i was drunk one night and slipped up on the bungie forums and a staff seen it X3. that was like a year after they started cracking down on them to and then the gamerscore hacking X3 thats the last one i did and to this day i still hold the gamerzone of cheater
  4. Dataanti

    It was fun.

    you welcome also.... WOOOOOO 300 POSTS!!!!
  5. Dataanti

    It was fun.

    bye my name wasnt on the list ;_; fuzzy peaches is a meany i met few good friends on this site... it makes me sad to see it die
  6. Dataanti


    :O:O:O:O i remember u do u remember me :?
  7. im a bronie.... i have every episode in 1080p with 5.1 surround.......... i watched them all in 10 seconds flat...
  8. Dataanti

    Dragon Cave

    lol i know this is bump but i am doing this dragon thing... can any of you who do not make dragons anymore transfer me your dragons im specifically looking for a first generation pink one... my scroll http://dragcave.net/user/Dataanti
  9. i know some1 named IBM...
  10. instead of going through the hassle of all that ... u could just enable UPnP http://img825.imageshack.us/img825/2381/unledcl.jpg i like the dd-wrt firmware i suggest using that, search it up and READ THE INSTRUCTIONS mistakes can be... easy to make...
  11. thats cool and all but it still cant track motion
  12. its 480p 30 fps and its not just a camera -.- it has a bunch of other sensors on it to ive used one and i think its very much worth it, i also didnt see any lag or any accuracy problems
  13. thats either just the game or its the TV or the camera with low FPS i doubt it has to do with kinect and kinect is much more then just another motion controller
  14. acer aspire 8930 i play crisis on it so im sure it can handle halo
  15. i didnt even get to the pirating part, it wouldnt get fare enough to enter a code or anything, i looked it up and apparently lots of PCs have the same problem
  16. :S well im not flashing it dang i want to play halo2 agian but dont wanna buy it and the PC version doesnt work on my PC cause the only xbox live thing sucks
  17. Dataanti

    halo 2 burning

    am i able to burn halo 2 iso onto a disk and use it in xbox 360 without flashing it cause its an old xbox?
  18. yes but ubuntu is designed for CDs not DVDs it would be a waste to put it on a DVD, also laptops have a lot of specialized drivers that might only be available for windows OS so look into that first and DL what you need for linux OS
  19. Dataanti

    sad day

    what are the ads for then?
  20. sorry its not my fault :S my dad makes me use it
  21. thank god for adblock plus in firefox
  22. Dataanti

    sad day

    ... i have a site hosted on my friends server for free.... and his server is all bran new stuff from IBM cause IBM sponsors him
  23. Dataanti

    sad day

    o... what are the server requirements for the site, i might have one cheaper if its fast enough and it comes down to a money issue
  24. Dataanti

    sad day

    wtb last 7 month
  25. Dataanti

    sad day

    um maybe delete some old stuff and try to lower bandwidth and space to lower cost, once map mods and game type mods are for reach im sure it will come back a bit but if we do merge can we has a vote
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