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Everything posted by DEEhunter
What is this, the 7th resigner out there?
1. You made your self look stupid. Dont try to change that, your making yourself look stupider. 2.'By saying I have many xexs I am trying to say that I didn't get my dev just to mod halo and that I am interested in researching other games to (and not just playing them on a dev)." Then why didn't your dumbass just say that? I can't say "I am doing something" and then say "IT WAS MEANT TO BE SPECIFIC." 3.No, you are not doing more then other people with devs. The difference with you is that your arent doing anything productive. Your "Anything is better then nothing" excuse doesnt change that. If someone found diamonds in a desert and then you go and research the types of bird **** that lands around it, is that REALLY being productive? Do you see "NEW DIAMONDS FOUND IN DESERT, OVER 8 TYPES OF BIRD **** FOUND 10 MILES AWAY IN 16 DIFFERENT COLORS!"? No, the fact that you have a dev for soooo long and havent shown or found 1 useful thing doesnt mean that you are I "wouldn't even know or do as much as I do if you had a dev for as long as I have" it just means that for so long of trying to look smart in front of everyone, you just attempt to tell them "OH I DO STUFF TO, BUT I WONT SHOW YOU GUYS!" It doesnt matter how long you have a mod team, and I didnt use use that as a factor to what I had said about it, the fact that you made a mod team to look professional at all just shows that you werent professional to begin with. And you still aren't. By you continuing this just shows that you want to defend your "UBER L33T HAXOR" reputation. When really, you are making your self look stupider AND DONT EVEN REALIZE IT!
Devkit = a tool to be productive with.
Lemme get on that boat before halodude comes on.
So your file is protected because you said so?
I did not manipulate a word. You said to the extent"I dont want respect, but I want people to respect me more" There is no other .xex that you can be talking about. Clearly you dont know what you are talking about. So stop making your self look stupider Editing the unknowns of a plugin is what people did since halo PC times. YOU specifically are not doing the real work. Who ever made the actual plugin that you are looking at the unknowns for is the one who really researched. Your just doing the scrap work that no one else wants to care for. Playing around with the values of unknowns is not real work, and it doesnt make you look smart either which seems to be the only benefit I see you want out of getting a devkit or making a mod team. I dont want to talk to you because I can already see how immature you can get, no need to witness you take them to impossible standards.
But you are a dumbass. Like the chola sig by the way.
I have a LIVE resigner.
I have a lot of .exe files. So I win.
Why not show it here?
Wat Anyone can get the xex of a game. You can just extract a game and the default.xex is right there. Nothing special. But you making an attempt at looking smart in front of others. You can say anything you want. I can say "I have a LIVE resigner". I can say "I modded halo wars". But should I expect people to believe me? Why should any on expect you to be capable of this when you arent even capable of being mature.
Judging by your attempts to look smart in front of others, you think that everyone should respect you more because you have a dev kit. Even though you have done NOTHING productive with it. You responded to others with immature comments, shown now real researching or reverse engineering skills. It seems to me that you expected that by you getting a dev kit, everyone will think your some sort of awesome coder or have awesome skills in using it. But you have not shown anything but a typical "I HAVE 9 XEXs SO F YOU!". If you read my post in the other topic about owning a devkit then it will pretty much sum up my argument. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?sh...ost&p=74707
I already found all of them. http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/index.php?showtopic=9497
Halodude. Your have dont nothing productive with a devkit from what I have seen. And the way you act on these forums are very immature. What is 1 reason People should care that you can do a shader swap or a model swap. People could do these things since halo PC. How exactly are you any different from people like detox or darkshallfall that actually benefit the community? And the whole modding clan idea is just your own little attempt at looking professional in front of others. Huddling little groups of people that look up to you because you try to show the impression that your some sort of "UBER LEET MODDER!". Really now, why should we care?
Selling mods. Pitiful. Anyway, there are plenty of other people that do these mods and do them better for a lower price.
I extracted a list of un allowed service tags a while back. Get creative. A23,L17,I17,E43,A00,B00,C00,D00,E00,F00,G00,H00,I00,J00,K00,L00,M00,N00,O00,P00, Q00,R00,S00,T00,U00,V00,W00,X00,Y00,Z00.A01,A20,A55,C17,E51,E74,F43,F46,F48,F49,I 00,L00,N19,N34,N64,N84,P00,P52,T17,U50,V50,Z17
You are still missing many of the icons and special symbols. If lux decides to never release the app he is working on then I will gladly release the ones you missed.
You forgot Mirage. The first app that could edit user data for more then 1 player. It is still to be respected.
Live is game assets. Patches, add-ons, demos, and other market place exports. Con is game content. Game saves, user content, etc. Even if this is changed into a con file, it will not be read correctly.
Ever map has 1 cubemap of it for every general area. You will notice in the visor of master chief. When he moves from one place to another that the cube map on his visor fades to another. What he did was swap the cubemap's meta offset. So when the engine calls for that specific asset, it is redirected to the one that he replaced it with. But halo 3 uses 2 cubemaps when processing 1. There is a ambient cubemap, which is a more "blured" version of a cubemap. And the actual cubemap that contains color data. Also, the cubemaps define reflection but it is actually an illusion to the untrained eye. The cubemap will define a cubical environment for what ever surface is it processing a shader for. What the cubemap actually does is multiply the colors on the original texture and that of the cubemap so it seems like the cubemap is scrolling along its surface as the player's camera moves. Here is an example of a pre-compiled cubemap I made a while back. http://img381.imageshack.us/img381/5421/37992559vr5.png
I think the colors possibilities are almost limitless. (Like on a web page with a .css). All the best ! Ill researched this stuff and found some new symbols that a friend of mines will be making applications out of. Also I found some new variables that show different results. Things like:<controller0_gamertag/> <lobby-multiplayer-map/> <color-armor1/> <lobby-campaign-level/> <lobby-campaign-difficulty/> <party_size/> and MANY others. They are found in the halo 3 locales in strings like "<color argb=#ff76a1d3>TOTAL EXP:</color> <xp-value/>" The FF in the beginning is the alpha which defines opacity from what I can infer. Here is a long list of locales extracted from the mainmenu.map WEAPONS <color argb=#55ffffff>(1 of 7)</color> VEHICLES <color argb=#55ffffff>(2 of7)</color> EQUIPMENT <color argb=#55ffffff>(3 of 7)</color> SCENERY <color argb=#55ffffff>(4 of 7)</color> TELEPORTERS <color argb=#55ffffff>(5 of 7)</color> SPAWNERS <color argb=#55ffffff>(6 of 7)</color> GOALS <color argb=#55ffffff>(7 of 7)</color> <item _name/> Next Item <color argb=#55ffffff>(X of Y)</color> <loc_month/>/<loc_day/>/<loc_year/> <color argb=#FFa1b375>[</color> <color argb=#FFa1b375>]</color> <map_variant_name/> A map variant of <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <game_variant_name/> A game variant of <game_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <game_variant_name/> <game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <game_variant_name/> <game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <campaign_map_name/> <campaign_map_name/> on <difficulty/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <map_variant_name/> Forge screenshot on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <game_variant_name/> <game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <game_variant_name/> <game_variant_name/> on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <campaign_map_name/> <campaign_map_name/> on <difficulty/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> <map_variant_name/> Forge film on <map_variant_name/>, <day_of_week/> <month_name/> <day/>, <year/> <time_hms/> Current (<current-language/>) Current (<current-gamerzone/>) Language: <language/> Gamer Zone: <gamerzone/> Experience: <experience/> Game Mode: <game-mode/> Game Size: <game-size/> Map Size: <map-size/> Game Rules: <game-rules/> <build_number/> <version_number/> <objectives/> <primary-objectives/> Privacy (<lobby-privacy/>) <gametype-description/> <gametype/> Privacy (<lobby-privacy/>) <screenshot-title/> <screenshot-description/> <screenshot-author/> <screenshot-date/> <screenshot-size/> <screenshot-title/> <screenshot-description/> ??? <page-index/> of <page-count/> ??? The File Share is a location where you can store saved multiplayer game films and, in the future, other types of Halo 3 game files. Shared Map Variants: <filevalue> Shared Game Variants: (value) Saved Films: (value) <bnet-pro-button/> <bnet-pro-message/> <next-rank-experience/> EXP Highest Skill <next-rank-skill/> <next-rank-experience/> EXP or Highest Skill <next-rank-skill/> <quota-used/> <quota-total/> <quota-remaining/> Free Downloading (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! Downloading will continue automatically. Preparing for use... (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! The file will be available shortly. Uploading... (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically. Preparing for upload... (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically. <bnet-pro-button/> <bnet-pro-message/> <bnet-pro-help/> <quota-used/> <quota-total/> <quota-remaining/> Free Downloading (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! Downloading will continue automatically. Preparing for use... (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! The file will be available shortly. Uploading... (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically. Preparing for upload... (<current-progress/>%) Keep playing! Uploading will continue automatically. <quota-used/> <quota-total/> <quota-remaining/> free in your File Share. <quota-used/> <quota-total/> <quota-remaining/> REMAINING Current Setting: <joystick-layout-description/> Current Setting: <button-layout-description /> Service Tag: <service-tag/> GENDER: <gender/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Model:</color> <mod-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Head:</color> <hd-value/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Left Shoulder:</color> <ls-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Right Shoulder:</color> <rs-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Body:</color> <bod-value/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Background:</color> <bkd-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Foreground:</color> <fore-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Secondary Foreground:</color> <sec-value/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Base Color:</color> <base-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Background Color:</color> <bk-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Primary Icon Color:</color> <pri-value/>|r|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Secondary Icon Color:</color> <secd-value/> <color-armor1/> <color-armor2/> <color-armor3/> <color-emblem1/> <color-emblem2/> <color-emblem3/> <part-description/> Option <part-count-current/> of <part-count-total/> <voice_setting_description/> <camera_setting_description/> <display_setting_description/> <film_autosave_setting_description/> <color argb=#55FFFFFF>??? OK</color> Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller0_gamertag/>'. Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller1_gamertag/>'. Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller2_gamertag/>'. Failed to read the gamer card settings for '<controller3_gamertag/>'. <film-party-player-left/> left the film. <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Last Played on:</color> <solo-date/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Last Played on:</color> <coop-date/> <lobby-header/> NETWORK: <lobby-network/> GAME: <lobby-multiplayer-game/> MAP: <lobby-multiplayer-map/> MISSION: <lobby-campaign-level/> DIFFICULTY: <lobby-campaign-difficulty/> PLAYLIST: <lobby-matchmaking-hopper/> MAP: <lobby-mapeditor-map/> FILM: <lobby-theater-film/> <lobby-start-button-name/> <lobby-current-players/> Player (<lobby-max-players/> max) <lobby-current-players/> Players (<lobby-max-players/> max) <lobby-current-players/> Player (Closed) <lobby-current-players/> Players (Closed) Edit Objects on <lobby-mapeditor-map/> <lobby-theater-film/> (<lobby-theater-film-length/>) <lobby-privacy/> <lobby-privacy/> Someone is joining the game... <lobby-privacy/> <lobby-privacy/> The current map is not available. Please select a different map. <lobby-privacy/> Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/> The party size is too large to start the game. Up to <lobby-coop-max-players/> players may play co-op on Xbox LIVE or system link. Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/> Loading information from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/> The party size is too large to play this film. Only <lobby-film-max-players/> may watch this film on Xbox LIVE or system link. <lobby-film-party-leader-requirement/> has the best connection and must be the Party Leader to watch films. Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/> Loading information from the Halo3 server... <lobby-privacy/> Loading information from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/> Retrieving files from Xbox LIVE... <lobby-privacy/> An unknown error has occurred. <lobby-privacy/> The Party Leader is changing settings. <lobby-privacy/> Ready<lobby-privacy/> Waiting for <lobby-party-leader/> to start the game. <lobby-privacy/> Press ??? to cancel the countdown. The game starts in <lobby-countdown-remaining/> seconds. Press ??? to delay the countdown. The game starts in <lobby-countdown-remaining/> seconds. <lobby-delaying-player/> delayed the countdown. ??? <lobby-party-leader/> is your Party Leader. <lobby-campaign-level/> <lobby-campaign-level/> on <lobby-campaign-difficulty/> at <lobby-campaign-insertion/> <lobby-multiplayer-game/> on <lobby-multiplayer-map/> on <lobby-multiplayer-map/> <lobby-matchmaking-hopper/> <lobby-matchmaking-hopper/>, Population: <lobby-matchmaking-hopper-population/> <lobby-matchmaking-total-population/> Gamers Online <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Current Players in Party: </color><party_size/> Budget: <budget-total/> The party size is too large. Only <lobby-forge-max-players/> may play in Forge Loading... <lobby-percent-loaded/>% <creation-date/> Budget: <budget-used/> used, <budget-available/> available. A light version of <map-name/>, with plenty of budget available for new intepretation. <target-player-name/> <player-rank/> <player-grade/> <color argb=#ff76a1d3>TOTAL EXP:</color> <xp-value/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Highest Skill:</color> <skill-value/> <ranked-value/>|n<social-value/>|n<custom-value/> Party Countdown:<rematch-timer/> RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4> Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color> RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4> Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color> RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4> Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color> RECENT FILMS: <color argb=#FF8692d4> Be sure to visit Recent Films in the Theater to save any films that you want to keep. Up to 25 films of your most recent games will be available.</color> <hopper-name/> <hopper-name/> (population <hopper-population/>) ??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader. <current-players/> Players <player-name/> Details <party-joinable/> Players: <player-count/> (<player-max/> Max) <party-leader-info/> <players-in-party-info/> <mode-info/> <status-info/> <level-info/> <difficulty-info/> <film-info/> <playlist-info/> <time-remaining-info/> <score-to-win-info/> <leading-score-info/> <game-info/> <game-variant-info/> <map-info/> <map-variant-info/> <teams-info/> <game-start-countdown-seconds/> SECONDS <current-veto-count/> out of <max-veto-count/> Game accepted. Game starting in <game-start-countdown-seconds/> seconds. Game starts in <game-start-countdown-seconds/> seconds. ??? Veto Map and Game <local-veto-indicators/> <current-players/> players <playlist-name/> <game-variant-name/> on <map-variant-name/> <map-variant-name/> ??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader. <hopper-name/> <hopper-name/> (population <hopper-population/>) <current-players/> Players <current-players/> Player <search-preference/> Target: Skill Range of <their-skill-range/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/> Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> with Skill Range of <their-skill-range/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/> Target: Mixed Skill Range |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/> Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> with a Mixed Skill Range |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/> Games Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/> Target: Team of at Least <their-size-minimum/> |nGames Found: <games-found/> |nPossible Matches: <possible-matches/> Need additional players within the skill range of <their-skill-range/>. Need a team of <their-size-dynamic/> players within the skill range of <their-skill-range/>. Need a team of <their-size-dynamic/> players of mixed skill. Need additional team of <their-size-dynamic/> players. ??? <party-leader/> is the Party Leader. <game-type/> <game-variant/> <inheritance/> <inherited-value/> Sudden Death may last for up to <current-name/>. The player will have these traits for <current-name/>. The player can take <current-name/> of the normal damage. The player can only take <current-name/> as much damage as normal. The player does only <current-name/> as much damage as normal. The player does <current-name/> of the normal damage. The player starts with <current-name/> grenades. The player starts with <current-name/> grenade. The player moves at only <current-name/> of normal speed. The player moves at <current-name/> of normal speed. Gravity is at <current-name/>, making the player lighter. Gravity is at <current-name/>, making the player heavier. The motion sensor range is reduced to <current-name/>. The motion sensor operates normally, out to <current-name/>. The motion sensor range is increased to <current-name/>. Rounds will end after <current-name/>. Weapons on the map will be replaced with <current-name/>. A penalty of <current-name/> is added. A penalty of <current-name/> is added. Wow, harsh. The player may die <current-name/> times and is then out of lives. The player may die <current-name/> time and is then out of lives. Deaths increase your respawn time by <current-name/>. Score <current-name/> points to win the round. Score <current-name/> point to win the round. Capture <current-name/> flags to win the round. Capture <current-name/> flag to win the round. Players may return their flag by standing nearby it for <current-name/>. A stolen flag will reset after sitting unattended for <current-name/>. Score <current-name/> points to win the round. Score <current-name/> point to win the round. The goal will move every <current-name/>. Players up to <current-name/> away will be affected. Players will capture a territory by staying nearby for <current-name/>. Score <current-name/> points to win the round. Score <current-name/> point to win the round. A new Juggernaut is chosen <current-name/> after the old one dies. The goal will move every <current-name/>. <current-name/> of players will start the round as Zombies. <current-name/> players will start the round as Zombies. Safe havens move every <current-name/>. Score <current-name/> points to win the round. Score <current-name/> point to win the round. The ball enters play <current-name/> after the start of the round. The ball will respawn after sitting idle for <current-name/>. Detonate <current-name/> bombs to win the round. Detonate <current-name/> bomb to win the round. The bomb requires <current-name/> to arm upon reaching a target. Once armed, it takes <current-name/> to disarm a bomb. Stay calm. The bomb detonates <current-name/> after arming. Defend it, but from a safe distance. The bomb will reset if left sitting idle for <current-name/>. Score <current-name/> points to win the round. Score <current-name/> point to win the round. The hill moves to a new location every <current-name/>. <current-page-name/> Party Countdown 0:<rematch-timer/> MVP: <mvp/> VICTOR: <mvp/> <game-variant/> on <save-film-reminder/> <lobby-campaign-level/> on <lobby-campaign-difficulty/> TIME <time-completed/> <difficulty-complete/> Difficulty <number-of-skulls/> Skulls <difficulty-multiplier-value/> <skulls-multiplier-value/> <subtotal-value/> <time-bonus-value/> <total-multipliers-value/> <total-score-value/> <target-player-name/> <player-rank/> <player-grade/> <color argb=#ff76a1d3>Total RP:</color> <xp-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Highest Skill:</color> <skill-value/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Ranked Matches:</color> <ranked-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Social Matches:</color> <social-value/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Custom Games:</color> <custom-value/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Kills:</color> <kills/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Deaths:</color> <deaths/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>K/D Spread:</color> <kd-ratio/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Headshots:</color> <headshots/>|n<color argb=#FF76a1d3>Best Spree:</color> <best-spree/> <implement-name/> (<implement-count/> kills) <most-killed-name/> <most-killed-count/> <most-killed-by-name/> <most-killed-by-count/> <medal-name/> <medal-description/> Party Countdown 0:<rematch-timer/> <search-preference/> <search-preference-description/> <hopper-name/> Population: <hopper-population/> <game-info/> <map-info/> <map-info/> <game-info/> on <map-info/>, <timestamp-info/> <map-info/> on <difficulty-info/>, <timestamp-info/> Forge film on <map-info/>, <timestamp-info/> <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Status:</color> On <color argb=#FF76a1d3>Status:</color> Off <total-skull-multiplier/> <screenshot-title/> <screenshot-description/>If you test any of these let me know. Original post is here. http://www.modhalo.net/index.php?showtopic=12461 Its old to me but you guys look like you need work.
Woah woah woah. This was a private tool when I was studying .con injecting. This is a leak. Also its not a film tool. This is used to extract from xbox files. This works on almost all xbox file formats. Demos, dashboards, themes, arcade games, videos, and many others.
You do realize. I was the one who made the original flamethrower mod.
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