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Everything posted by DEEhunter

  1. Mirrored it.
  2. DEEhunter


    Screendump is an Application that will take all of your recent screenshots and dump them into what ever folder you have selected. Or you can click which files specifically that you wish to download. Simply input your gamertag and click load and stuff happens. You can either select the SSID of the screenshot to download that specific screenshot, or you can select it and click the "save selected" button. Good for making panos. Look at dis cool logo u. http://img44.imageshack.us/img44/8882/49378080.png Cool stuff. Thanks avp dragon. Back to the app. Load the app, type your gamertag, Press the "load" button and wait for the orgy of SSIDs to leave there stains in the listbox, click "Dump All" to get all the screenshots listed or just double click the ssid of the image to save only that image. PIX: http://img13.imageshack.us/img13/5910/40056886.png http://www.mediafire.com/download.php?yuwmzqfmtzj Mirror Mirror it yo Dump yo screenz
  3. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    I'll admit defeat while still leaving a large amount of things thrown. Move on with you're life. I got things to tend to.
  4. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    Who said they arent getting benefits from the work? We all did together and we benefited from each others division of work. I gave the beta models to epsilon and gave caution to give him the out dated version of h3 edit.
  5. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    You said you have been doing this since november. I said the original con editor was leaked in October. Get your facts strait.
  6. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    There was no incident. He had a spasm and started posting the models. Then dark tried to leak the faulted version of h3edit in the VIP section. T'was fun.
  7. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    You claimed to have been doing this since november. When this has been done since august. Plenty of people to steal it from. And making a LIVE to COn converter when there was recently a leaked one since october.
  8. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    Then let your trusted people speak in truth and fact. And there where plenty of people you could have stolen work from. This kind of thing was done way before you even started.
  9. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    And proof that this was originally YOUR research?
  10. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    The point wasn't that it worked or not. It was if you edited another theme file or not.
  11. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    You can create con files. But you cannot get custom themes without editing one that is already made. This has been proven. Ever since microsoft can detect what theme you are running(from sweep stakes) they have indexed all of there themes.
  12. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    You cannot make the containers your self and get them working on the xbox. You can only modify a theme that exist so you are not making them from scratch. I didnt sell the models to epsilon. He traded a game with me. And this isnt all yours. The creator of wxtheme did this before. Many times. But there was never a reason for changing someone's theme. The *work* you are doing is just the unoriginal tediousness that no one else wants to do because it doesnt benefit you. This has been done before. And your making chump change for it.
  13. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    That won't be happening. 64 bit password. Yeee
  14. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    Doing this kind of thing has been easy. All you are doing is editing the .png files and you change the trim from 0-2. Your are truly pitiful for doing something like this. Charging any amount of money for something as simple as this. Keep your chump change and your little noob service. I'll stick to doing such a simple and tedious task like this for myself. But its not like there is any benefit to changing your theme. From what I see, all the little chores you try to do for people is just an attempt to get attention and respect. Doing all the little dirty work that no one needs, trying to take credit for something you did little or no work in, and now charging money for a tedious task as an attempt to make yourself look like a professional. I don't know where you think this will take you, but it will be entertaining to watch.
  15. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    Its not the amount of money. Its the fact that he is charging people at all.
  16. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    Who said the 4 images are guaranteed? Also, if you where to do it manually then you would be able to create the dashboard tileing and the trip of the guide tab also. So anyone can do this. Gabe k is pitiful doing something like this.
  17. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    Either way. It can make custom themes. Nulling the point to costing people to do something that anyone can do.
  18. DEEhunter


  19. DEEhunter


  20. DEEhunter


  21. DEEhunter

    Custom Themes!

    Make your own themes using this tool. http://rapidshare.com/files/210904934/Them...lderBETA1.1.rar
  22. Vray physical cam. It makes it like that so that it looks like it was taken with a real camera.
  23. You clicked the topic name. http://img198.imageshack.us/img198/3632/that.png You scrolled down to see this picture and read this text. Made this for a gmod RP clan.
  24. DEEhunter

    chat box

  25. Learn to scientific notate.
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