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Everything posted by DEEhunter

  1. He just edited the film clip so he has recon. And notice the black screen between the forge menu and actual gamplay lasts longer then usual.
  2. Try this lolscreen.rar
  3. Halo 3 screenshot extractor Current version: 1.07 http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/28753-144.png Features - Extracts from .shot files into .jpg - Preview screenshot before extraction - Display screenshot author, description, and date. - Preview screenshot in full resolution. This application only opens the .shot file extracted from its container. You must use an application like wxpirs to extract the .shot file. Thank you e3pobot for the codeing. DOWNLOAD
  4. 0x1B849 Player 1 name 0x1B876 Player 1 Helmet 0x1B877 Player 1 left shoulder 0x1B878 Player 1 Right shoulder 0x1B879 Player 1 Chest 0x1B869 Player 1 primary color 0x1B86A Player 1 secondary color 0x1B86B Player 1 detail color Aqua = 10 Blue = 12 Brown = 1b Cobalt = 13 Coral = 7 Crimson = 18 Cyan = 11 Gold = 9 Green = 13 Khaki = 1d Lavender = 17 Mauve = 4 Olive = 14 Orange = 6 Orchid = 16 Pale = 11 Peach = 8 Pink = 1a Red = 3 RubyWine = 19 Sage = 12 Salmon = 5 Sapphire = 20 Silver = 1 Steel = 0 Tan = 1c Teal = 15 Violet = 15 White = 2 Yellow = 10
  5. Whats wrong with you people. This is content that bungie released put together.
  6. I proved its fake.
  7. This topic fulfilled its purpose. He made a fake resigner, I proved it. Close this topic before we get more unnecessary flaming.
  8. Some of my sigs http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26574-75.gif http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26574-76.gif http://www.ibotmodz.net/forum/uploads/remoteimages/26574-77.gif Most of my good ones are in my current sig rotator.
  9. It can be any language in visual studio because of its icon. Most likely VB.
  10. Blood gulch remake NOAW!!!!
  11. I think he gets the point. Close thread.
  12. Even if you do get a dev kit then good luck trying to find a crap load of modded .xexs and even finding a dev build of halo 3.
  13. Why is this still going on? We all know its fake.
  14. No he edited in real time.
  15. So he ends his lies with a "good" excuse.
  16. Fake.
  17. Like I said. Nand dumps do NOT give you "the rsa". Nand dumps are only for flash memory.
  18. Nice find! Whats the tag?
  19. Take 2 short vids that have only you in it. Have them be on different maps. Then compare the two in hex. You may need to do this with more then 2 vids but if you compare enough videos of you with the same permutions. You should be able to find out were character information is stored.
  20. Its funny how he is using words like "unlike you guys" and "because you don't have it" or "He cant make one." Give yourself up. This is fake. Now stop before someone else finds out the truth.
  21. Well, you may do the same method that he did and post some new things you find.
  22. First of all, My name is DEEhunter. Second of all, .con files dont have RSA checksums. And Nand dumps do not even show rsa keys. Edit: Well after talking to him on aim he could not answer some of the most obvious modding questions. Proveing this is fake. When I asked him what programming language he used to make the program he simply logged off.
  23. All these things are see-able in johnson. Nothing new.
  24. There is NO .map resigner. There never will be. But there are different methods in editing and playing .map files.
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